On Mon, 14 Feb 1994, Barnet Wagman wrote:

> I've heard that some government agency, possibly the OMB, did a study of
> health care alternatives that was very favorable to a Canadian style
> single payer system.  If you've heard of it and have a citation, please
> let me know.
>                                               Thanks,
>                                               Barney Wagman

        Yes.. In fact I have the text in front of me..  It is called
"Canadian Health Insurance: Lessons for the United States."  Published by
Government Accounting Office it is from June 1991, GAO/HRD-91-90.  Orders
may be made by calling 202-275-6241 and the first 5 copies are free..

        For those pushing for a Canadian-Style health care program, I
highly reccommend this booklet.  It is surprising positive with very
little negative observations.. It evaluates whether Canadians cross the
border to use American hospitals, "Both groups (The AMA and the Pepper
Commission) concluded that few Canadians seek care at American medical

        In addition we find this statement.. "If the universal coverage
and single-payer features of the Canadian system were applied in the
United States, the saving in administrative costs alone would be more than
enough to finance insurance coverage for the millions of Americans who are
currently underinsured.."

        The paper concludes that some elements of the Canadian system
should be considered for a reformed U.S. system (universal access, uniform
payment system, expenditure controls), but that unique existing conditions
within the American medical "structure" offer sufficient reasons to want
to avoid a wholesale adoption and to 'build on the strengths" of our
current system.  These important distinguishing features include "the
expansion of the private health insurance industry, the diffusion of
medical technology, and the development of alternative service delivery

        I hope this answers some questions..

                                        John Monnier

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