Hi all,

This is a post to remind people about the resource for progressives we 
have here at UC-Berkeley for progressives called the Economic Democracy 
Information Network (EDIN) gopher.

We are looking for new sources of files and other gopher sites, 
especially labor and economic-oriented sites.  (Labor files are a top 
priority since there are so few labor files in cyberspace).

Please check out the gopher at garnet.berkeley.edu 1250 and if you have 
other resources to add or know of some we should have "pointers" to, let 
me know.


         *    Nathan Newman:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *
         *                 UC-Berkeley                    *


Subject: About the EDIN Gopher


The Electronic Democracy Information Network (EDIN) Gopher is one of
several ventures by the EDIN Project.  The following is the mission
statement of the EDIN Project.  If you'd like more information on the 
EDIN Project or would like to comment on the EDIN gopher, please send

You can connect to the EDIN gopher by connecting to garnet.berkeley.edu 1250
or you will find it listed under the California list of gophers in the 
"Mother of All Gophers" list.

Some notable recent additions to the EDIN gopher are extensive 
connections to state government legislative information and a new 
directory devoted to "Political Movements and Theory" with files on the 
organization and theory of groups ranging from the IWW to Ayn Rand.



        From revitalizing inner city communities to creating sustainable
development to converting to a peacetime economy, information resources
and rapid communication are becoming increasingly important in both our
economic and political system. To help avoid the danger of a split between
the information haves and have-nots, EDIN will provide community groups
throughout California and in the nation greater access to the burgeoning
world of information by both providing more information and easier access
to electronic communication. 


EDIN On-Line Server:  This will be the site which will coordinate the
gathering of existing economic and social information and providing it
electronically in an understandable form, both immediately in text form
and over time as we develop the software to transmit information in
innovative graphical forms. EDIN will facilitate research and
communication on economic issues by EDIN users in different locations
around the state. 

Infrastructure:  By working with such groups as public libraries and other
public access facilities, we will work to establish walk-in and dial-in
access to community groups engaged in community development efforts. 

Training and Community Involvement: Teams of trainers will work with
already existing networks of groups to get them on-line and help
facilitate their use of the EDIN system. 


Link Economic Information:  EDIN would be the first archive to have
information on the economic aspects of conversion, community development,
and the environment, linked together so that users can approach a problem
from several angles at once. 

Ease of Use:  EDIN will make it easy to sort through a broad array of
information and quickly determine what you actually want. It will be
simple to customize EDIN to your needs. 

Economic Literacy:  EDIN will over time connect its information to
glossaries, tutorials, and other tools for facilitating learning about a
complex economic topic which interests and intimidates you.  In doing so,
it will create a new way of promoting economic literacy. 

Community-Based:  EDIN will be based around the idea that the community
needs to actively shape its direction; it will be rebuilt and reshaped
through a process that strives to serve the community's needs as they
understand them.  In this way, it will give community groups a way to
participate in shaping the coming information society. 


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