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>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri Feb 25 13:23:50 1994
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 1994 13:23:42 -0800
From: Hannah Holm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

ZAPATISTA PAMPHLET                                          News Release
February 25, 1994

                                        AVAILABLE NOW

TITLE: Zapatistas: Spreading Hope for Grassroots Change, Starting in
Chiapas, Mexico. Open Magazine Pamphlet Series, pp.22, ISBN:
1-884519-06-7, $4.00 ppd.

AUTHOR: Text by Marc Cooper, Hannah Holm, Barbara Pillsbury & 
The Zapatistas

CONTACT: Open Media PO Box 2726 Westfield NJ 07091 Tel: (908) 
789-9608 Fax: (908)654-3829 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

"Here we are, the dead of all times, dying once again, but now with 
the objective of living."--The Zapatistas

Resistance to NAFTA, GATT and the New World Order economy has 
just begun. Spreading from the mountains and jungles of southern 
Mexico is an insurgent liberation movement demanding political 
democracy and economic justice for all Mexicans. Calling themselves 
Zapatistas, their guerrilla activity began on January 1, 1994, the first 
day that NAFTA went into effect. Zapatista demands, backed by 
expressions of solidarity across Mexican society, are at this moment 
changing the dynamics of power in Mexico. How will the Zapatistas 
effect the upcoming elections in Mexico?  Can an indigenous 
movement trigger a popular movement in North America?  How will 
North Americans in the United States and Canada respond as the
movement spreads? 

Why is every one so quiet? Is this the "democracy" you wanted? 
--The Zapatistas, Feb 4, 1994

Zapatistas: Spreading Hope for Grassroots Change braids together the
incisive, on-site reporting of Marc Cooper (staff writer for the Village
Voice), the translated communiques of the Zapatistas from the 
Mexican jungle, plus solidarity and resistance notes by Hannah Holm 
(co-editor of Chiapas Digest) and Barbara Pillsbury (original 
translator of Zapatista communiques).

Zapatistas: Spreading Hope for Grassroots Change is not only about
expressing solidarity for the indigenous people of Mexico, but about
applying their demands for greater democracy throughout all of 
Canada and the United States. While pessimists may argue that it is 
ridiculous to advocate a North American insurgency movment, it is 
even more ridiculous to accept the emerging order. The Zapatistas 
remind us that We, the People, are the only legitimate democratic 

[End of announcement.]

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