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DATE:  March 8, 1994
TO:      Interested Parties
FROM:  Assemblyman Tom Bates (D-Oakland)
RE:      Legislation to bring California on-line

I am writing to ask for your support of Assembly Bill 2451, which
I have introduced in the California Assembly.  It requires that all
state public information, which is currently computerized, be available
free to the public via the Internet.

This bill will be voted on by the Assembly Committee on Government
Operations within a few weeks.  A copy of the bill is attached.

I believe this legislation will help make government more efficient and
more accessible.   Governor Pete Wilson has said, *Each time a person
must set aside time during regular working hours to visit a government
office, there is an economic loss to society.  Each time that visit is
prolonged because of long waiting lines...the loss is compounded.*  
I agree.  Under A.B. 2451, citizens will be able to obtain state 
information directly at their place of work, local libraries, at schools 
or in their own homes.

Legislative bills are currently available on the Internet thanks to 
groundbreaking legislation authored by  Assemblywoman
Debra Bowen.  This bill builds on that first measure and expands the
information available.

You can do three things to support this effort.

1.  Write/fax the Assembly Government Operations Committee today.
The bill will be considered in committee soon, within a few weeks.
Letters/faxes should be addressed to:  
Hon. Curtis Tucker, Jr.
Chairman, Assembly Government Operations Committee
State Capitol
Sacramento, CA  95814

Dear Chairman Tucker and Members of the Committee:

You can fax direcly to the committee at 916-327-3517.
Please fax me a copy at 916-445-6434, 510-428-1599 or mail it to
Assemblyman Tom Bates, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA  95814.    
An email address is being set up now.

2.  Join the Electronic Town Hall Meeting.
Tell me what you think about this legislation.  CPSR is hosting a
discussion on this bill and other related California legislation and 
policy.  My staff and I will be following and participating in
the discussion.  To subscribe to the list [EMAIL PROTECTED] send 
the following email message: 
        subscribe calgovinfo <your name here, no brackets> 
To send a message to the calgovinfo listserv, mail to: 
The list is currently un-moderated and public.  

3.  Help spread the word.  Please repost this memo to other newsgroups 
and individuals.


INTRODUCED BY  Assembly Member Bates
                        JANUARY 4, 1994

   An act to add Article 3 (commencing with Section 11720) to
Chapter 7 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code,
relating to information technology.

   AB 2451, as introduced, Bates.  Information technology.
   Existing law establishes the Office of Information Technology
in the Department of Finance and imposes on the office various
duties concerning the use of information technologies within
state government.
   This bill would require the office to develop a plan by
January 1, 1996, for free statewide computer-assisted public
access to government information that has been computerized and
is subject to public disclosure.  The bill would require
implementation of the plan to begin no later than January 1,
1996, and that the plan be operational no later than January 1,
2000.  The bill would require the office to make various reports
to the Legislature during the development and implementation of
the plan.
   Vote:  majority.  Appropriation:  no.  Fiscal committee:
yes. State-mandated local program:  no.


  SECTION 1. Article 3 (commencing with Section 11720) is added
to Chapter 7 of Division 3 of Title 2 of the Government Code, to

      Article 3.  Public Access to Government Information

   11720.  The Legislature finds and declares that it is
essential to good government that information that is available
to the public under the California Public Records Act, the Ralph
M. Brown Act, and the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act be made
available to the citizens of the state, irrespective of where
they reside, in a timely manner, and at the least possible cost.

   It is the intent of the Legislature that this goal shall be
achieved by the enactment of a plan that implements the
following strategic goals outlined in the report issued by the
Office of Information Technology in the Department of Finance
entitled "Strategic Direction for Information Technology in
California State Government 1993-1999":
   (a) To bring government closer to the people.
   (b) To enhance the value of government services.
   (c) To make government more responsive to changing public
   (d) To reduce the cost of government.
   11721.  (a) The Office of Information Technology in the
Department of Finance shall work with all state agencies,
appropriate federal government agencies, local government
agencies, and members of the public to develop and implement a
plan to make copies of all information that is computerized by
any state agency and that is subject to disclosure under the
California Public Records Act, the Ralph M. Brown Act, or the
Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act accessible to the public in
computer-readable form.
   (b) The information identified in subdivision (a) shall be
made available to the public by means of access by way of the
largest nonproprietary, nonprofit cooperative public computer
network at no cost to the public, schools, libraries, and other
government entities.  The information shall be made available in
one or more formats and by one or more means in order to
provide the greatest feasible access to the general public in
this state.  Any person who accesses the information may access
all or any part of the information.  The information may also be
made available by any other means of access that would
facilitate public access to the information.
   (c) Any documentation that describes the electronic digital
formats of the information identified in subdivision (a) and is
available to the public shall be make available by means of
access by way of the computer network specified in subdivision
   (d) Personal information concerning a person who accesses the
information may be maintained only for the purpose of providing
service to the person.
   (e) No fee or other charge may be imposed by an agency as a
condition of accessing the information that is accessible by way
 of the computer network specified in subdivision (b).
   (f) The electronic public access provided by way of the
computer network specified in subdivision (b) shall be in
addition to other electronic or print distribution of the
information.  Access systems shall protect the security of
government owned or operated systems using proven security
approaches at the least possible cost.
   (g) Information shall be provided in a manner that
automatically redacts private or confidential information when
it is commingled with public information in computerized
government records.
   (h) Computer feasibility studies by state agencies and state
agency purchases of computer equipment, programs, and services
that involve computerized public information shall include a
component to ensure free public access to the information by way
of the largest nonproprietary, nonprofit cooperative computer
   (i) No action taken pursuant to this section shall be deemed
to alter or relinquish any copyright or other proprietary
interest or entitlement of the State of California relating to
any of the information made available pursuant to this section.
   11722.  (a) The office shall be the lead agency in the
development and implementation of the plan specified in Section
11721.  The plan shall be completed no later than January 1,
1996.  The office shall report to the Legislature on April 1,
July 1, and October 1, 1995, on progress being made in
developing the plan, obstacles to implementing the plan, and
recommendations for legislative changes in this article.
   (b) The office shall study the following issues in developing
the plan:
   (1) Methods for offsetting any cost through savings from
making government more efficient and incorporating public access
into all new computer-related purchases.
   (2) Integration of a public access requirement into
feasibility studies for purchases of computer hardware and
   (c) Implementation of the plan shall begin no later than
January 1, 1996, and the plan shall be fully implemented and
operational no later than January 1, 2000.  The office shall
report to the Legislature annually no later than January 1 of
each year from 1996 through 2000.  State agencies that have not
completed implementation of the plan by January 1, 2000, shall
be prohibited from purchasing computer equipment or computer
programs or contracting for computer services without the
express approval of the Legislature.

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