Forwarded message:
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 18:46:21 GMT
Sender: Activists Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: The Development GAP <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: ?
~Date: Fri, 4 Mar 1994 12:25:19 -0800
~From: The Development GAP <dgap>
/* Written 6:39 am Feb 25, 1994 by [EMAIL PROTECTED] in igc:mlist.wbbig */
/* ---------- "MSG. FROM THE DEVELOPOMENT GAP" ---------- */
Dear Colleagues:
The Development Group for Alternative Policies (The Development
GAP) has created an electronic mailing list so as to be able to
quickly share information on the World Bank, IMF and related
issues. The first message you will receive will be a description
of the U.S. NGO "50 Years Is Enough" campaign. If you do not wish
to receive these mailings, please send me a message at
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]" and I will gladly take your name off the list.
I also wanted to alert you to a couple of useful conferences on the
APC network:
"econ.saps" -- has current news and analysis on World Bank and IMF
economic policies (known as "structural adjustment") and their
impacts in different countries.
"act.wb94" -- contains listings of what groups around the world are
doing on the ocassion of the 50th anniversary of the World Bank and
I hope this helpful.
Ross Hammond
The Development GAP
927 15th Street, NW 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20005
tel: 202-898-1566; fax: 202-898-1612
Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929
Tel. 916-898-5321
916-898-6141 messages