an additional point, in an effort to attain rapproachement with
Allin: from what I've read, Allin is not saying that there's a
100% correlation between values and prices.  It might be argued
that a 97% correlation (say) is enough to satisfy Allin's
assertions of value/price connection *and* my assertion that
price/value deviations befuddle our consciousness and obscure the
class nature of the capitalist system to its participants.

just a thought.

in pen-l solidarity,

Jim Devine   BITNET: jndf@lmuacad    INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Econ. Dept., Loyola Marymount Univ., Los Angeles, CA 90045-2699 USA
310/338-2948 (off); 310/202-6546 (hm); FAX: 310/338-1950

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