To all,

The following text led to issue 2.04 of WIRED MAGAZINE being ordered off 
magazine stalls all over Canada.  The following post is the press release 
by WIRED about their being baneed.

--Nathan Newman


Subject: WIRED Text Banned in Canada - Revised 4/4/94

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WIRED 2.04
Electric Word

Paul and Karla Hit the Net
Recent events in Canada have proven once again that - for better or
worse - the information genie has escaped into cyberspace and can't be
put back in the bottle. When an Ontario judge issued an order barring
media coverage of a sensationalized murder trial, Canadians used the
Net to break the ban.

The case concerns Paul "Bernardo" Teale and his wife, Karla Homolka
Teale, who were each charged in the grisly murders of two teenagers.
Paul Teale now stands accused of 48 sex-related charges, while Karla
Homolka entered into a plea bargain: She pleaded guilty to
manslaughter and is expected to testify against Paul.

The nonstop press coverage prompted Paul Teale's lawyer to ask for a
media gag order until the conclusion of his trial, on the grounds that
it would be impossible to impanel an impartial jury. Faced with the
concurrence of the Crown, the Court and Karla, Paul Teale's lawyer
switched camps. But it was too late!

Despite legal intervention by several major Canadian media outlets,
the court imposed a ban on the publication of the details of the

At first the ban had its desired effect. When the US television show A
Current Affair featured the case, it was banned in Canada, and
Canadian cable stations blacked out CNN coverage of the case.

With the conventional media halted, the infosphere took over. First,
two BBSes in Toronto began to post daily details of the trial.  In
August, an irregular posting directly to newsgroup "control"
("approved" by "Justice Kovacs") created

By December, after phone calls by law-abiding Net surfers to systems
managers, the Usenet group had been banned by systems managers and
university officials at sites all over Canada.

After the banning of, two new Usenet groups were
created: and

Some Net users theorized that if they cross-posted all over the Net,
the Royal Canadian Mounted Police would be in the impossible position
of scrambling through cyberspace plugging leaks. One Net dweller
jokingly proposed the ideal tactic: "The solution is obvious. Take the
discussion to You silly Canadians would never ban
that group."

Other curious Canadians searched the pay-per-view news and magazine
databases on Nexis and CompuServe for stories published by US
newspapers. Most of the banned articles were re-posted verbatim to
alt.true-crime, a group overlooked by the Mounties.

As the infosphere grows to encompass the planet, the question is no
longer whether certain information is too sensitive to be made public.
The real question becomes whether it is even possible to keep certain
information out of cyberspace. In the Teale-Homolka case, the ban was
not so much broken as rendered irrelevant by the voracious online
community: It is estimated that one in four Canadians knows the banned

 - Anita Susan Brenner and B. Metson

                                   * * *

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