On Wed, 13 Apr 1994, Jim Devine wrote:

> When I see someone on the left advocating intervention in the
> former Yugoslavia, I have to ask: "intervention by whom?"
> The intervention that is currently going on is by the US/UN/NATO.
> does the Left have any say in how this force is used?  do the
> people of the US have any say in how this force is used? do the
> people of the world or of the former Yugoslavia have any say?
> I hope that I am not being presumptuous to answer all these
> questions with "no."

The point of the original post was that in the face of the mass murder 
and mass rape of Bosnians, the political issues of "who decides" starts 
to pale in the face of the issue "Will intervention stop the bloodbath?"

As Habermas stated in the New Left Review and Hand Roth and I support, 
better to make Bosnia safe for capitalism today so that there are people 
left to fight for socialism tomorrow.

In Solidarity (if dispute today),

Nathan Newman

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