I'm organizing a study trip to Moscow from 28 Jul-23 Aug which explores
Russia's political, economic and social conditions.

 It is the 14th year these have been offered, but the first time in the
summer.  Many people have asked for this because it is the only time they can
get away, so our host educational institution has agreed to stay open during
its normal vacation period.  So far, participation is not matching the
expressed interest, and there is the risk that if we cry wolf we won't get
cooperation again.

 For details, please write to    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I am attaching the daily schedule of a comparable trip last year so you can
see what the program will resemble.

NB: Participants from outside North America are welcome.


30 Arrival in Brussels
   Walking tour of city
31 Video: "US-USSR: World War 2"
   Visit to Bruges


01 Travel to Moscow
02 City tour
   Opening of seminar
   Demonstration of Metro and bus use
03 Lecture: Russian history; causes and consequences of the Revolution
   Video: "US-USSR: The Cold War"
   Discussion of group
04 Lecture: The current political situation in Russia and its historical
   roots (Matveev)
   Video: The town of Kirjatch (near Moscow)
   Visit to Tretyakov Gallery
05 Izmailovsky Park
   "A Ballet Evening" Palace of Congresses
06 Visit to Novodevichy Monastery
   Free time
07 Discussion: Economic reforms in Russia: Results and perspectives
   Video: "Being 20 in Russia"
   Free time
08 Visit to publishing house of children's literature, games and
   commercial packaging.  Tour of printing facilities and meeting with
   Visit to Kremlin churches
09 Lecture: Economic geography of Russia and of the CIS; regionalization
   Visit to Pushkin Museum
10 Visit to dairy farm started by an independent farmer at the beginning of
   perestroika; lunch at farm
11 Discussion: Social dimensions of the reforms (Kuchma and Semenkov)
   Visit to secondary school
12 Visit to Ostankino TV tower
   Obratsov Puppet Theater: "An Unusual Concert"
13 Visit to Kolomensoje museum and park
   Free time
14 Discussion: "Future of US-Russia Relations" (Batyuk, Institute of USA
   Canada Studies)
   Discussion with American businessman trying to establish commercial
   relations in Russia
15 Discussion at the Federation of Peace and Conciliation
   Visit to the Armory
16 Visit to agricultural machinery factory: tour of plant, discussion with
   production director; tour of plant museum; discussion of conflicts over
   the factory's management and privatization with editor of factory
   newspaper and with production director
   Meeting with book publisher who has used profits to operate the "New
   Millenium Foundation" (development of science, culture and education)
   Opera at Bolshoi Theater
17 Lecture: Labor and the trade union movement in Russia today (Milovidov)
   Visit to agricultural commodities exchange
18 Discussion: "Ethnic conflicts in Russia and the CIS" (Stepanyants,
   Institute of Philosophy)
   Video documentary: Soviet troop withdrawal from Meinigen Germany
   Visit to nursery school
19 Travel to Vladimir
   Tour of Vladimir, its churches and museums
20 Visit to Gous-Khroustalny and its crystal museum; meeting with crystal
21 Discussion with director of Trade Union Training Center
   Visit to Bogolioubovo
   Visit to furniture factory and discussion with director
22 Visit to Suzdal
   Travel to Moscow
23 Meeting at the Gorbachev Foundation with VV Shostakovsky, Co-Chairman of
   the Republican Party   Sample Russian lesson using suggestopedic method
24 Lecture: "Theater in Russian cultural life" (Kalyzin)
   Meeting with leaders of Russia's "alternative" trade unions (planned)
25 Lecture: "The civilizational history of Russia" (Erasov)
   Meeting with representatives of a commercial bank (planned)
26 Visit to Kuskovo Estate Open Air Museum
   Free time
27 Picnic offered by kitchen staff of Academy of Labor
   Free time
28 Closing discussion and critique
   Free time
29 Return to USA

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