This message was sent to me and I think that it is worth passing on.  The VHP
is part of the right-wing coalition of "Hindu Fundamentalist" parties in India
which have been responsible for anti-Muslim violence and a general shift to
the right in Indian politics.  AT&T has been kicking them money from
long-distance calls.
Andrew Sessions
University of Wisconsin
PS. I wonder who else AT&T is supporting?
 >AT&T recently announced a scheme whereby customers could contribute 5% of
 >their long distance bill to the VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) of America
 >directly. Given the VHP's blatantly communal message, it's hardline policy
 >on the Babri Masjid issue and the fact that the VHP of India was banned by
 >the GOI in the wake of the Dec. 6 incidents (a ban which was later upheld by
 >the Supreme Court which overturned the GOI bans on the RSS and Bajrang Dal)
 >I was very annoyed that AT&T chose to be associated with the VHP in this
 >manner. I therefore urge you (as I have already urged on the nets) to call
 >AT&T up and make it clear to them that you are unhappy with their scheme.
 >If you are already an AT&T customer you may want to point out that you will
 >discontinue service with them, if you are not already with AT&T you could
 >always tell them you are not going to become an AT&T customer as long as
 >they push programs with such unsavoury associations.
 >You can call the number which appears in the message below. You are most likely
 >to reach an Indian operator. I also append another message I received which
 >shows your efforts may not be in vain. Incidentally it took me exactly two
 >minutes to register my protest and hang up so it shouldn't cut into your time
 >in a big way. The protest makes sense because there is a particularly
 >intense fight to capture the Indian market by all three major long distance
 >Forwarded message:
 >  Ravi,
 >    I just called AT&T at  1-800-647-9808 Ext 700 and registered my
 >    dissatisfaction with this program.
 >    Mention the   Association Number : 3RAE1166 and the fact that it is banned
 >    India.
 >Second forwarded message:
 >I thought you might be interested in hearing that the calls appear to
 >have had effect.  I have called twice so far, both outside office
 >hours (since I can't call at any other time), and both times have been
 >told I'd have my call returned; it didn't happen either time.  (I'm an
 >AT&T customer three times over, and plan to let them know that.)
 >Anyway, I tried them again today, and the man asked what I was calling
 >for.  I said it was about the VHP; he inquired whether I was calling
 >to protest, and when I said that I was, he took down my name and
 >number saying that was sufficient.  Apparently they've had too many
 >calls on this matter to respond individually.
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