Don Pratt at Progressive Sociologist Network suggested I forward a query I
posted to PSN to PEN.  I'd appreciate any feedback anyone on this list can
offer, which I will relay back to PSN.  Thanks.
A friend of mine heard a report on radio news recently about the current
rate of profit in the US.  We've been mining the papers recently for a
report on this, but have seen nothing.  We've also noticed that this figure
is almost never published, perhaps for reasons that aren't that hard to
guess.  I'm wondering if anyone at PSN [or PEN] knows

1.  where to find reliable and current information on the [average] rate of
profit in the US and elsewhere

2.  what trends in the [average] rate of profit in the US have looked like
in the 1945-1972 and 1972-1994 periods

3.  how meaningful a statistic the rate of profit is.

I have a similar question regarding the rate of exploitation.  Does anyone
calculate that these days?

These seem crucial figures for socialists to be tracking.

In Solidarity,

Anthony Arnove

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