The Economic Democracy Information Network (EDIN) is an archive of
files and gopher connections for progressive activists and researchers.  
We have directories covering issues ranging from the economy. labor 
unions, race and racism, gender issues, trade, socialist organizations, 
and information on local, state, national and international government 
organizations.  See the outline of the EDIN directories at the end of 
this message.

        We are very interested in receiving new files or pointers to
gopher/ftp sites dealing with progressive issues, so please send such 
files or information on where to find them to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To access the EDIN archive, you need gopher access to the Internet.  From
most University machines, you should be able to access the gopher by
typing the following at the prompt. Type: 

gopher garnet.berkeley.edu 1250

This will link you to the Economic Democracy Information Network (EDIN) 
gopher maintained by the UCB Center for Community Economic Research.  
There's a wide variety of links to progressive info on the Internet.

If you use IGC (Peacenet/Labornet, etc.), it's even simpler.  When you 
log-in to Peacenet, you will see a menu of choices (e-mail, conferences, 
etc.).  Hit "i" for Internet.  That will link you to the IGC gopher.  
Move to the "Other Progressive Gophers" line.  Under that menu, you will 
find the Economic Democracy Information Network gopher listed.  Choose it 
and follow the above directions.

You can also access the EDIN gopher through the "Mother Gopher" at 
Minnesota.  Go down the hierarchy of nations and states until you find 
California.  The Economic Democracy Information Network (EDIN) is listed 
under the list of California gophers.

--Nathan Newman:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Economic Democracy Information Network
    a project of UC-Berkeley's Center for Community Economic Research



     located at garnet.berkeley.edu 1250
     to send files for inclusions, send info to:
               [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1.  About the EDIN Gopher/
      1.  About the EDIN Gopher.
      2.  Copyright Notice.
      3.  Do You Have Documents You Want to Add to EDIN?.
      4.  Information About Gopher/

2.  The Economy (General Resources)/
      1.  Budget of the United States Government, Year 1995/
      2.  CCH Report on the Crisis in California (draft)/
      3.  Census Information (various)/
      4.  Commerce Business Daily/
      5.  Corporate Report Stories OnLine (limited selection)/
      6.  Credit Unions/
      7.  Economic Resources (Communities for a Sustain. Future)/
      8.  Economics Gophers and Telnet Connections/
      9.  Political Economy of Growth Dataset Project/

3.  Economic Conversion and Peace Resources/
      1.  Conflict Resolution Consortium/
      2.  Economic Conversion Information Exchange/

4.  Labor Issues/
      1.  Become a Union Organizer:  The Organizing Institute.
      2.  Government Info and Legislation on Labor/
          1.  Department of Labor & Agencies/
          2.  US Labor Code- CFR 29/
          3.  US Labor Legislation/
      3.  Resources for Labor Research/
          1.  LABORFILMS list.
          2.  Labor And Employment Law Books (abstracts)/
          3.  Labor History Collections (from St. Louis)/
          4.  List of Comparative Indust. Rel. resources.
          5.  List of Union BBSs.
          6.  Syllabi for Industrial Relations courses/
          7.  UC Labor Statistics Series /
      4.  ACTIV-L Labor News Briefs/
      5.  Electronic Discussion Lists Dealing with Labor/
      6.  US Unions (Archive of files)/
      7.  Unions Around the World (archive)/
      8.  Labor and People of Color/
      9.  Women and the Workplace/
      9.  Gays and the Workplace /
      10. Other Labor-Related Gophers/

5.  Race and Racism/
      1.  ARC Race File: articles on communities of color../
      2.  Archive of Race/Racism Files/
      3.  African-Americans/
          1.  African American Women/
          2.  African-Americans: Biblio. of Materials (UMich) /
          3.  On-Line Resources on African-Amer. (Arthur McGee)/
          4.  University of Missouri Black Studies Gopher/
      4.  Asian-Americans/
          1.  Asian-Americans: Film/Video Materials (Umich)
      5.  Latinos/
          1.  Chicano-LatinoNet (UCLA)/
          2.  Latinos: Film/Video Materials (UMich).
      6.  Native Americans/
          1.  American Indian-Native American Women/
          2.  FTP site for Native American Resources/
          3.  National Indian Policy Center/
          4.  NativeNet /
          5.  On-Line Resources: Native Americans (Arthur McGee)/
      7.  Fourth World-- Indigenous Peoples Around the World/

6.  Gender and Sexuality/
      1.  Queer Resources connections/
      2.  On-Line Resources on Gender (from Arthur McGee)/
      3.  Bibliography of Women & the Environment.
      4.  Electoral Politics & Women/
      5.  Gender Gophers/
      6.  Gender and Electronic Networking (CPSR)/
      7.  Women and The Law (UNDER CONSTRUCTION)/

7.  Environment (from IGC)/
      1.  About the Environment Menus.
      2.  What is EcoNet?.
      3.  EcoNet News Services.
      4.  Earth Negotiations Bulletin/
      5.  Environmental Justice/
      6.  Environmental Law/
      7.  Forests/
      8.  International Arctic Project (IAP)/
      9.  Miscellaneous/
      10. Multilateral Treaties/
      11. Oceans, Seas & Waters/
      12. Pesticides & Sustainable Agriculture/
      13. Recycling/
      14. State & Regional Issues/
      15. Toxics, Hazards & Wastes/
      16. World Heritage/
      17. Organizations on EcoNet (under construction)/

8.  Trade and the International Economy/
      1.  Enterprise of the America Initiative: An Analysis.
      2.  Maastricht Treaty of European Union/
      3.  North American Free Trade Agreement/
      4.  On-Line Resources: Regions of the World (Arthur McGee)/
      5.  International Political Economy Gopher/
      6.  Archive: By Region & Country/
      7.  GATT/
      8.  UNCED/

9.  Human Rights/
      1.  Civil Liberties/
      2.  Human Rights/
      3.  Immigrant Rights/

10. Health Care Issues/
      1.  Internet Gophers for Medicine and Health/
      2.  HIVNET (Global Electronic Network for AIDS, Europe)/
      3.  Health Security Plan Proposal/
      4.  National Institutes of Health (NIH) Gopher/
      5.  US Legislation on Health and medicine/

11. Housing, Hunger, and Welfare/
      1.  Articles on Housing Discrimination/
      2.  Cohousing Archives/
      3.  Connect to Library of Congress (Federal Legislation)-
      4.  Department of Housing & Urban Development/
      5.  HungerNet/
      6.  Poverty, Food Security, Hunger, Undernutrition/
      7.  U.S. Population + Housing Census Data (text+Lotus 123)/
      8.  US Legislation on Family, Welfare & Human Services/
      9.  US Legislation on Housing and urban development/
      10. z34/

12. Political Movements and Theory/
      1.  Political Movements Archive/
      2.  Socialist Political Groups/
          1.  Committees of Correspondence/
          2.  Democratic Socialists of America/
          3.  Anarchist Groups and Publications/
          4.  Vanguardist Socialist Parties/
      3.  Socialist Theory/
          1.  Heterodox Economics/
          2.  Progressive Sociologists Network/
          3.  Anarchy/
          4.  Chomsky/
          5.  DeLeon/
          6.  Lenin/
          7.  Marx and Engels Archive/
          8.  Trotsky/
      4.  Right-Wing Politics/
      5.  Youth Networks-Movements/
          1.  Progressive.Student.Network/
          2.  SEACNET (Student Environmental Action Coalition)/
      6.  Progressive Organizations Listings/
          1.  Disability Groups and Publications/
          2.  EnviroOrgs-- Environmental Organizations On-Line/
          3.  People of Color Environmental Groups Directory/
          4.  Queer Organizations/
          5.  Women's Organizations On-Line at IGC/APC Networks.
      7.  Progressive Magazines On-Line/
      8.  US Political Platforms/

14. Progressive Magazines On-Line/
      1.  General News Updates on the Internet/
      2.  Other Progressive Newsletters and Magazines/
      3.  Dialogue & Initiative (Committees of Correspondence)/
      4.  Mother Jones Magazine/

15. Government: US & the World/
      1.  California/
          1.  California Department of Education/
          2.  California Documents Listserv Announcement (10/93).
          3.  California Election Info/
          4.  California Emergency Services <TEL>
          5.  California Legislative Information/
          6.  California Local Government/
      2.  State Governments/
          1.  General State Government Info/
          2.  California/
          3.  Colorado Legislative Information/
          4.  Hawaii State Legislature <TEL>
          5.  Maryland/
          6.  Michigan State Government Resources/
          7.  Minnesota/
          8.  Missouri/
          9.  New York State Government Information Locator/
          10. Ohio Legislative Information/
          11. Oregon (OLIS)/
          12. State of Utah/
          13. Texas /
          14. West Virginia Legislative Information 1993/
      3.  US Government/
          1.  Presidential Documents and Releases/
          2.  Executive Branch: Agencies and Departments/
          3.  US Congress/
          4.  Judiciary & Law Enforcement/
          5.  Key Government Servers/
          6.  Political Party Documents/
          7.  Government Documents/
          8.  United States Government Sites and Gophers/
      4.  United Nations & International Treaty Organizations/
           1.  United Nations/
           2.  United Nations Resolutions (selected)/
           3.  United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)/
           4.  UN Population Info. Network (POPIN),/
           5.  UN Criminal Justice Information Network (UNCJIN)/
           6.  World Health Organization (WHO)/
           7.  World Bank/
           8.  International Telecommunication Union (ITU)/
           9.  Treaties and International Covenants/
           10. Multilateral Treaties/
           11. NATO Handbook/
           12. NATO Press Releases/
      5.  Foreign Countries/
          1.  Australian Law Documents/
          2.  Background Notes (State Department)/
          3.  Canadian Documents/
          4.  Country Information & State Dept- TravelAdvisories/
          5.  Israel Information Service Gopher/
          6.  World Constitutions/

15. Community-Based Gophers/

16. Fun & Weird Stuff/

17. Other Gopher-Information Servers/

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