Jim Devine writes:

>Interesting parallels between China and the ancien regime of South
>Africa.  But is there the equivalent of an African National Congress
>in China nowadays, complete with guerrilla efforts?
>Is there an international boycott/pro-sanction movement?
I may not have been very clear with my first post.  The interesting
parallel, to me, is not between China and S. Africa but rather 
the parallel in U.S. policy.  Whether this policy is correct or not
is not really the issue.  In other words, maybe there are good
reasons not to revoke MFN from China.  

My point is that any good reasons for not revoking MFN from China
had nothing to do with the Clinton decision which was strictly
based on pressure from companies like Boeing who stood to loose
millions of dollars worth of business.

in pen-l solidarity,


  + Rudy Fichtenbaum        +  Internet [EMAIL PROTECTED] +
  + Department of Economics +  Bitnet   [EMAIL PROTECTED]        +
  + Wright State University +  Telephone 513-873-3070/3071            +
  + Dayton, OH 45435        +                                         +

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