/* Written 12:01 PM  Jun  3, 1994 by iatp in igc:trade.news */
/* ---------- "GATT ALERT! 6-3-94" ---------- */
Friday, June 3, 1994
-Gingrich Reasserts WTO Opposition in NYT Editorial
-Sneaky, Sneaky ... Canadian Gov't Begins Filing Secret GATT 
  Case Against EU Animal Protection Law ... Another
  Tuna/Dolphin Case in the Works?
-Sutherland -- Click Your Heels Three Times and Wish 
-Tax Officials Oppose GATT/WTO Preemption
-Nader Calls on California Candidates to Take Stand on GATT
-Textile Executive Says Budget Waiver Bad for Economy
-Pro-GATT Alliance Urges Support Calls to Congress
-United We Stand Sponsors GATT Protest
Gingrich Reasserts WTO Opposition in NYT Editorial

House Republican Whip Newt Gingrich defended his stance on 
the World Trade Organization in a recent NEW YORK TIMES 
editorial, calling the proposed WTO a "politicized institution" 
with serious concerns for the U.S.  Gingrich affirmed in his 
letter that he "strongly" supports freer trade, but said he would 
continue "trying to find a way to write the implementation 
agreement that will protect America while promoting world 

Call Gingrich to let him know you support his efforts to draft 
implementation language that preserves U.S. rights within the 
WTO (202) 225-2800 or write the Office of the Republican 
Whip, Room H-219, The Capitol, Washington, D.C. 20515-0007.
Sneaky, Sneaky ... Canadian Gov't Begins Filing Secret GATT 
Case Against EU Animal Protection Law ... Another 
Tuna/Dolphin Case in the Works?

Canada's Humane Society discovered recently that its 
government has taken secret steps to file a GATT complaint 
against a proposed EU directive banning the import of fur from 
wildlife caught in leghold traps.  "The complaint filed before 
GATT encourages other nations to launch similar challenges," 
said the Humane Society's Michael O'Sullivan.  "Canadians have 
no wish to join the ranks of those who encourage 
environmental damage, the drowning of dolphins, and the 
slaughter of elephants for ivory."

Repeated federal surveys have shown that 8 out of 10 
Canadians support animal protection, not the killing of wildlife 
to support industries such as the fur trade, which O'Sullivan 
said has no economic future or prospects for job creation.  For 
more information contact Michael O'Sullivan or Barbara 
Turnbull at 1-800-641-KIND.
Sutherland -- Click Your Heels Three Times and Wish 

GATT Chief Peter Sutherland continues to praise the merits of 
GATT, almost daily, in  a rush to secure early ratification of the 
Uruguay Round.  During his latest GATT push, Sutherland said 
members' claims that the WTO would threaten nations' 
sovereignty are "unfounded."  "The WTO's individual members 
are protected against the imposition of an obligation to 
establish trade relations under the WTO with another state on 
terms they do not wish to accept," he said during a speech this 
Tax Officials Oppose GATT/WTO Preemption

Sutherland should save his speech for U.S. state tax officials 
who lodged a new complaint Thursday claiming the WTO could 
invalidate state tax laws that otherwise would be acceptable 
under the Constitution.  Officials representing the Federation of 
Tax Administrators and Multistate Tax Commission said during 
a press conference in Washington June 2 that the WTO could 
overturn state laws if it found "unjustified discrimination" 
against foreign entities.  

"We believe that the Constitution establishes a standard of 
equal treatment for foreign and domestic taxpayers alike, and 
the Constitution should continue to be the standard against 
which state laws are judged," said Dan R. Bucks, executive 
director of the commission.  "GATT threatens to establish a 
second set of rules for foreign taxpayers that will favor them 
over U.S. tax payers."  Tax officials demanded language in the 
GATT implementing bill to preserve states' taxing authority. 

For more information contact the Federation of Tax 
Administrators (202) 624-5890 or the Multistate Tax 
Commission (202) 624-8699. 
Nader Calls on California Candidates to Take Stand on GATT

Ralph Nader, founder of the U.S. consumer group, PUBLIC 
CITIZEN, is calling on California gubernatorial candidates to 
take a stand on GATT in light of a recent EU report threatening 
U.S. environmental and California laws.

Laws cited by the EU as "barriers to trade" and therefore 
challengeable under GATT include:

-Proposition 65.  The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic 
Enforcement Act;
-Lead Standards for Wind, Ceramics;
-Glass Recycling;
-Defense, Agricultural Policies; and
-Unitary Tax. 

"California voters deserve to know where you ... stand on these 
California-specific laws and standards and on their 
vulnerability to challenge by foreign countries," Nader said in a 
letter to the Candidates.  Nader also sent a copy of the letter to 
Representative Robert Matsui, who may temporarily replace 
Sam Gibbons as Ways and Means trade subcommittee chair, 
and the rest of California's congressional delegation. 

For a copy of the letter or more information contact Ralph 
Nader at (202) 387-8034.
Textile Executive Says Budget Waiver Bad for Economy

"For a country worried about a return of inflation, budget 
waivers for GATT are a very bad idea," said Seth M. Bodner, 
executive director of National Knitwear & Sportswear 
Association.  "Just how can the financial markets, or anyone 
else for that matter, take Congress seriously about deficit 
reduction if each time a hot program comes along there is a 

Bodner also questioned the proposed economic benefits of 
GATT and challenged Congress to put its money elsewhere -- 
namely health care.  "I would bet that the dollars spent on 
better health care for the [30 plus million of the medically 
uninsured] will in time generate more wealth for the country 
than the Uruguay Round," Bodner said.
Pro-GATT Alliance Urges Support Calls to Congress

In the latest issue of NEWSWEEK magazine, The ALLIANCE FOR 
GATT NOW sponsored an ad  urging readers to call U.S. 
lawmakers toll-free to voice support for the GATT accord.  But 
who says you need to call with a message of support?  Call your 
Representative or Senator direct and let them know why you 
oppose passage of the Uruguay Round trade agreement. Capitol 
Hill operator: (202) 224-3121.  
United We Stand Sponsors GATT Protest

Information Wave" Saturday, June 4, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm 
in New York City.  UNITED WE STAND AMERICA is 
"tremendously concerned by the threat posed by GATT to the 
sovereignty of the United States," says Beth Fishtein, 
Congressional District Co-ordinator for the group.  "Our mission 
is to educate.  You and I are the owners of this country and we 
have the right to know!"  

If you're in New York City stop by the pedestrian walkway of 
the George Washington Bridge (uptown side, upper level) and 
let yourself be heard.  Call UNITED WE STAND AMERICA for 
more information: (212) 724-1278 or (201) 784-0210.
GATT ALERT! is published weekly by the Fair Trade Campaign.  If 
you have news about local activities or anything else, please send a 
note to the  Fair Trade Campaign, Box 80066, Minneapolis, MN 

For information on receiving GATT ALERT!, call (612) 379-5965

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