On Thu, 23 Jun 1994 07:16:11 -0700, Doug Henwood responds to Mike Meerpol's
post on Wed, 22 Jun 1994. Meerpol reamrked on the ANC plan:
>> to increase employment AND solve some of the pressing social needs AT
>> THE SAME TIME [using] extensive public works employing the unemployed
>> to build houses, pipe in drinking water, electrify, etc. etc. 
Doug Henwood notes:
> You'd never know it from the budget presented yesterday. The deficit is 
> to be reduced slightly, the government share of GDP to stay more or less 
> constant ...

     Two queries: how muxh of the government budget is a redistribution of
spending away from programs from which the white minority has benefited and
towards those satisfying needs of the majority? and how much of the ANC
public works plan is to be uundertaken off budget, for example with
publically guaranteed infrastructure development bonds and house mortgages?


Bruce McFarling, Pellissippi State
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (through July 1)

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