Dictionary of Political Economy Project
Phillip O'Hara
Department of Economics
Curtin University
GPO Box U1987, Perth 6001
Australia. 7 July 1994
Fax: +61-9-351-3026
Tel: +61-9-351-7761 (mess mach)
     +61-9-451-2618 (home)

Dear Progressive Economists:

I am writing to invite you to be part of the Dictionary of Political Economy 
(DPE) Project, which is planned to be published in 1996. It will be a one 
volume work (about 800 double-faced pages), with a retail hardback price of 
about US$65 (soft cover), specialising in Institutionalist, Post-Keynesian, 
Marxist, Feminist, Social, and Neo-Ricardian themes. We are currently seeking 
a publisher.

The philosophy behind the EDPE is for a balance between being 
comprehensive, accessible, readable, and affordable. It is hoped that the 
average heterodox economist will want a copy on her or his study desk for 
daily use or enjoyment. It should also be very useful for graduates and 
undergraduates. The entries will concentrate on non-neoclassical political 
economy, to the extent that this is possible. Many entries will be structured 
with an introduction, detailed definition(s), history, current state of 
knowledge, scope for further research, criticism, conclusion, & references. No 
knowledge will be assumed of the subject matter of most entries. The average 
entry will be about 800 words (with a range from 100 to 2000 words). It would 
help if you had an email address, as the DPE committee is communicating 
through a fully-fledged email network.

There is a School Committee for each of the schools of thought. The task of 
these groups is to ensure that a representative selection of entries is chosen 
for each school. And there will be Subject Committees for 17 areas of study, 
whose task it will be to suggest topics and writers. Everyone who contributes 
to the organisation of the EDPE will be fully acknowledged either on the title 
page of the work, or on the next one or two pages. Would you be interested in 
becoming part of any of the committees mentioned below?:

(a) World Capitalist Economy
(b) Development; 
(c) History of Political Economy;
(d) Evolution, Change & Transformation(a) Feminist Political Economy;
(e) Domestic Labor, the Family, and the Sexual Division of Labor;
(f) Class, Race and Gender;
(g) Neo-Ricardian Political Economy
(h) Environment;
(i) Regional;
(j) Labor and Work;
(k) Socialism, Social Democracy, and Communism: Theory & Practice
(l) System of Production and Distribution; & Fordism & Post-Fordism
(m) Role of the State and Macroeconomics;
(n) Methodology and Philosophy (Need a Post Keynesian/Feminist/Neo-

I hope you will think seriously about this request, both whether you have the 
time as well as capacity. For a committee you will need, on average over the 
next two years, 2 hours per month to spare. Some of the committee members 
may also wish to write some of the a-z entries for the dictionaries; or at least 
suggest names. At present we have 32 members in various committees.

I hope you will  look favourably on this request (or perhaps you could 
suggest someone to take your place). In any case, I look forward to any 
comments you may have on this exercise.

Yours Sincerely, 

Phil O'Hara
Coordinator - DPE Project

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