/* Written  7:14 AM  Jul 19, 1994 by kmander in igc:trade.news */
/* ---------- "GATT Alert! 7-19-94" ---------- */
GATT Alert!
Tuesday, July 19, 1994
GATT Protest This Wednesday
State Treasurers Worried About GATT
Conrad Amendment Aims to Protect State Laws
GATT Will Impact Native Americans
Ag Senators Press Clinton on GATT
Bedfellows Getting Stranger as Schlafly Denounces GATT
GATT Should Be Considered A Treaty
-GATT Protest This Wednesday-

The Citizens Trade Campaign is staging a protest against GATT this 
Wednesday, July 20 in Washington, D.C. If you can make it, meet on 
the Capitol Grounds, Southeast corner, facing the Supreme Court at 
12:00 Noon.  Speak out for the environment, for worker rights, for 
family farmers, and for U.S. sovereignty.  For more information, call 
the CTC at (202) 879-4297.
-State Treasurers Worried About GATT-

Treasurers from 30 states, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia 
sent President Clinton a letter July 15 stating their concerns about 
lost revenue and threats to state laws resulting from GATT.  National 
Association of State Treasurers (NAST) President Marshall Bennett of 
Mississippi said "state and local governments should be fully 
informed as to the treaty's provisions which would modify state and 
local laws and revenue from taxes, fees and exemptions."  Because 
GATT could undermine State powers of taxation, the treasurers asked  
to participate in the State-Federal Consultation Summit that state 
attorneys general have proposed. For more information contact: 
NAST's Milton Wells (202) 624-8595.
-Conrad Amendment Aims to Protect State Laws-

Senator Kent Conrad (D-North Dakota) has proposed an amendment 
to GATT implementing legislation that would protect U.S. laws from 
the World Trade Organization.  The Conrad amendment would 
require that local and state laws, like federal laws, be preempted by 
future congressional action, not by the WTO or the U.S. Trade 
Representative.  While administration officials maintain the WTO 
would not preempt U.S. laws they also oppose any amendment that 
would require congressional action to preempt state and local laws.  
Point out the contradiction when contacting members of Congress 
and the administration.
-GATT Will Impact Native Americans-

According to documents obtained from the U.S. Trade 
Representative's office, the Uruguay Round will permit challenges to 
laws of all "sub-federal jurisdictions" which they define as "states 
and their political subdivisions, the District of Columbia and Indian 
Tribes."  Tribal leaders have apparently not been notified of this 
important change in their status or of the implications of this action.  
This attempt to give foreign corporations and governments the 
power to challenge and potentially retaliate against Indian laws and 
regulations is an unprecedented assault on treaty rights.  For a copy 
of the 4-page paper, "The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade: 
Impacts on Indigenous Peoples," send $1 and a self-addressed 
stamped envelope to the Fair Trade Campaign, address below.
-Ag Senators Press Clinton on GATT-

In a letter to Agriculture Secretary Mike Espy and U.S. Trade 
Representative Mickey Kantor, several members of the Senate 
Agriculture Committee, including Chair Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) 
expressed their dissatisfaction with Canada's refusal "to offer any 
meaningful access to Canadian dairy markets."  They contend that 
the Uruguay Round and NAFTA require that all tariffs between the 
U.S. and Canada be eliminated and that there should be no tariffs 
inhibiting U.S. dairy product exports to Canada.
-Bedfellows Getting Stranger as Schlafly Denounces GATT-

In case there are any fence-sitters out there, this should further 
confuse you: arch-conservative Phyllis Schlafly has come out against 
GATT and the World Trade Organization.  In a fund-raising letter that 
pulls no punches in attacking President Clinton, Schlafly calls GATT 
"the terrible new threat to the sovereignty and independence of our 
nation."  Schlafly denounces the World Trade Organization because 
the United States "will have only one vote out of 117 -- the same 
vote as Cuba or Haiti."  Schlafly joins conservatives Rep. Newt 
Gingrich (R-Georgia), Senator Jesse Helms (R-North Carolina) and 
Patrick Buchanan in opposing GATT.  Oddly, that group finds itself 
allied against GATT with usual enemies, consumer advocate Ralph 
Nader, environmental groups and others.
-GATT Should Be Considered A Treaty-

A  member of the United Kingdom's House of Commons is planning to 
send a letter to the Speaker demanding that GATT should be treated 
as a treaty because it requires national laws to conform with its laws. 
A treaty must be incorporated into domestic law by an act of 
If you have news about local activities or anything else, please send 
a note to the Fair Trade Campaign, Box 80066, Minneapolis, MN 
55408. For information on receiving GATT ALERT!, call (612) 379-

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