Alan Isaac writes:

>In contrast, I believe the Minnesotta Twin study found an "IQ"
>correlation of about .7 for twins raised apart. I will also
>claim that anyone who spends time with children will see readily
>enough a large genetic contribution to intelligence within
>a given socio-economic group. I think denying this doesn't do any
>good. And why should it be surprising??
>What we need instead is to focus on the policy implications, which I
>have argued are _exactly the opposite_ of the M&H policy conclusions.
>It doesn't really matter if "IQ" 25% or 75% genetic: it persists,
>is (by definition) measurable, and appears correlated with lifetime
>economic prospects under our current institutions. We can therefore
>focus on implementing new institutions that reduce this correlation.

I don't know about the Minnesota study but I think a more important
point is that the notion of intelligence as a single dimensional
concept is irrelevant.  I make this point to my students by
talking about measuring ability.  What is ability?  Ability is
a multidimensional concept which must be discussed as having the
ability to do something specific.  I have the ability to solve
math problems or I have the ability to take tests.  To think
that IQ can measure ability would be like coming up with
a measure of physical ability.  Who has more physical ability
a ballet dancer or a soccer player?  It's a ridiculous
question.  There is no such thing as general physical ability
nor is there anything like general mental ability.

I think that once you accept the notion that IQ is meaningful
that are on a slippery slope.  Neoclassical economists will
argue as H & G do that investing in people with low IQ's
has a lower rate of return then investing in people with
high IQ's.  I am not willing to make that concession


  + Rudy Fichtenbaum        +  Internet [EMAIL PROTECTED] +
  + Department of Economics +  Internet [EMAIL PROTECTED]   +
  + Rike Hall               +  Bitnet   [EMAIL PROTECTED]        +
  + Wright State University +  Telephone 513-873-3085                 +
  + Dayton, OH 45435        +  FAX 513-873-3545                       +

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