Come on now!! I can't believe nobody on this network knows in which cases
credit scoring is legal, and in which it is not. So, a repeat of my early
request. If I don't get any responses this time, I'll give up! (Doug Henwood,
have you vowed silence again??)
The issue of credit scoring came up in my money and banking class. The eight
textbooks I have on my shelf disaggree on the topic. Several say that the
practice in equivalent to statistical discrimination and is illegal. Others,
say that it only "looks" like statistical discrimination and is still a legal
practice. Does anyone know for certain which is right? If it IS still legal,
it creates a major barrier to women in the credit markets, which definitely
tips the "playing field" against women and women owned businesses.
If it is illegal, does anyone know which section of the Justice dept handles
these cases. Also, if it is illegal, does anyone know why auto dealers still
use credit scoring as their primary determenent in making car loans? Do they
have some sort of exemption?
Doug Orr