
while i do not doubt your motives i have this problem with advertising
creeping into the internet. i have been  told by my gurus here who are
currently selling internet access for commercial users that i am fighting a
dead battle. the internet as a free space for people to talk and think etc
is gone so they say. it sickens me. our one big development which was
largely free of capitalist urgency and exploitation appears to be gone. for
me, i just keep sending these pricks objectionable letters which are
dismissed as the rantings from the ivory tower. they say we need corporate
underwriting to develop. i don't believe a word of it.

i keep being reminded of the wisdom of harry braverman and his analysis of
how capitalist labour processes seek out every dimension of our lives. 

so doug i usually am on your side of the debates (make that always) but this
time i was offended. and moreover, your ad was deficient. no price mentioned!

kind regards
 William F. Mitchell            Telephone: +61-49-215027      .-_|\       
 Department of Economics                   +61-49-705133     /     \    
 The University of Newcastle    Fax:       +61-49-216919     \.--._/*<-- 
 Callaghan   NSW  2308                                            v      
 Australia                      Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]         

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