I'm sorry, I can't let Jim Craven's savage misrepresentation of Herb 
Gintis and his work go by without rebuttal.  I disagree strongly with 
much of Herb's work; in fact I've spent a lot of time on this net 
criticizing his and Sam's approach to "contested exchange."  Even so 
I have no doubt about Herb's social and political concerns or his 
intellectual independence.  Jim's suggestion that Gintis is a 

>... sycophant...employed to push revisionist 
> history, pollute the minds of young students with the likes of neo-
> classical bullshit ...

is malicious nonsense, as is his claim that Gintis believes that  

> ... Wonderful conditions exist for all in the U.S.

Herb's failure to recite a litany of political atrocities before each 
e- mailing should not be taken to indicate otherwise.

 And may I add that this is just the latest example of an aspect of 
PEN-L that I most detest, namely the translation of legitimate, even 
profound disagreements among us on the left into vicious 

Argument ad hominem is the tool of our political opponents.  It has 
no place on PEN-L.

Herb Gintis was chased off this net 2 years ago by this sort of 
barbarity, and his departure is our loss, even if (possibly) most of 
us disagree with his views.

C'mon, folks, we're a heterodox lot.  Of course we will disagree, 
often fundamentally.  [Jim Craven and I, to take a random example, 
probably approach economics in subtly distinct ways...] But please, 
let's quit translating these differences into personal attacks.

Gil Skillman

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