*******   ACTION ALERT **********


        Over a week into the strike at the San Francisco News Agency, the 
joint operating company of the SF CHRONICLE and SF EXAMINER, solidarity 
on the picket lines remains strong while advertisers continue to desert 
the newspapers.  As one union spokeperson describes it, "We've got them 
dropping like files!"

        Over one hundred advertisers have promised to drop their
advertising for the duration of the strike, including Nordstrom's, Delta
Airlines and Radio Shack.  Other prominent advertisers are getting their
ads for free, as the SF News Agency tries to maintain the facade of
support and income from advertisers.  But community support and calls from
customers (including those on the Internet) have had a decisive impact. 

        But some advertisers continue to support the scab newspapers, so
we need to keep those calls coming.  Here are the priority companies to

EMPORIUM                1-213-227-2000 (corporate office in LA)
                        1-800-626-4800 (mail order number)

        Emporium had had the most advertising of any company on every day
of the strike.  Make calling Emporium your top priority, especially since
they have a history of union-busting among their own employees. 

CIRCUIT CITY            1-510-847-9201  (Division Office)
                        1-804-527-4000 x4058  (Main Corporate office)

                They've advertised on multiple days, so call away.

COPELAND SPORTS         1-415-495-0928 (SF Store)

        This company is a prime target that refuses to pull their ads.  
They are located just a couple of blocks from strike HQ, so your calls 
may be supplemented by handbilling by strikers.

MERVYN'S                1-800-637-8967

        This is another company that refuses to pull their ads, so keep 
the calls coming.

THE GOOD GUYS           1-415-615-6000  (Corporate office, ask fr advertising)

        They look like they are susceptible to pursuasion so keep the 
calls coming in.        

MACY'S                  1-800-820-2663 (Advertising Office)
                        1-800-622-9748 (Corporate office)

        Macy's had advertising on almost all days. They are getting their
ads for free at the scab newspapers and are paying for ads at the
union-made FREE PRESS. But call them and tell them to stop advertising at
the scab newspapers

Other TOP PRIORITY calls for multiple-day advertisers

VIDEO ONLY              1-415-563-5200 (Main SF outlet)
                        1-206-575-7522 (Seatlle corporate office)

                Has history of pulling ads during strikes so call to
        encorage them to do so.

MACY'S                  1-800-820-2663 (Advertising Office)
                        1-800-622-9748 (Corporate office)

        Macy's had advertising on almost all days.  Call them and tell 
them to stop advertising.  Paying for ads with the striker's FREE PRESS, 
but unclear whether they will pull ads from the CHRON.

IMAGNIN                 1-800-354-9040

        A multi-day advertiser, so target them.

TOWER RECORDS/VIDEOS    1-800-541-0070 (Corporate office, ask for advertising)

                Again, a multiple-day advertiser.  Call them hard.

JC PENNY                1-800-222-6161  (Catalog Ordering-general complaint)
                        1-510-225-0110  (Regional office that places ads)

CAMBRIDGE SOUNDWORKS    1-800-367-4434  (ex. 2, ask for advertising)

        Talked to advertising folks, but they were pretty determined to
keep advertising.  Keep calls going in.  Especially, if you're not in
California, keep dialing the 800- numbers and let them know that
supporting a scab newspaper will cost them money.

WHOLE EARTH ACCESS      1-510-428-1600 (Corporate office)

        With a vaguely progressive image (partly borrowed from the 
unaffiliated WHOLE EARTH CATALOG), this company should be hit hard for 
their advertising.

        Keep those calls coming and please e-mail back with any responses 
you receive from the advertisers.

In Solidarity,

Nathan Newman

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