/* Written 10:09 AM  Nov 23, 1994 by kmander in igc:trade.news */
/* ---------- "GATT Alert! 11-23-94" ---------- */
GATT Alert!
Wednesday, November 23, 1994
National Call-In to Congress on November 29
Dole to Endorse GATT
GATT Funding Unrelated to International Trade
Clinton Administration Attempts to Silence Critics
Administration Caught in GATT Lie
National Farmers Organization States Reasons to Oppose GATT
House Schedules Just Four Hours on GATT
National Call-In to Congress on November 29

The lame-duck Congress, with over 90 Members who have retired or 
have been voted out of office, is returning to Washington for one 
final vote --the vote on GATT.  On Tuesday, November 29, citizens 
from around the United States will be calling Senators to state their 
disapproval with the lame-duck session and the plans to increase the 
federal deficit by $28 billion to pay for GATT.  On Tuesday, call as 
many U.S. Senators as you can at (202) 224-3121.
Dole to Endorse GATT

CNN and CNBC are reporting that Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole (R-
Kansas) will endorse GATT sometime today. But the Clinton 
administration still does not have the required 60 votes in the Senate 
to pass GATT. Keep the pressure on! Call (202) 224-3121.
GATT Funding Unrelated to International Trade

There is growing opposition to the Clinton administration's plan to 
pay for $12 billion of the $40 billion that GATT would cost the U.S. 
during the pact's first 10 years.  A new report by the GATT Project 
reveals that 88% of the "funding" package is unrelated to 
international trade.  Fifty-five percent relies on accounting gimmicks 
and pay-as-you-go budgeted surpluses that create no new money to 
offset real revenue losses.  The administration was forced to rely on 
such gimmicks after House and Senate committees balked at the idea 
of taxing the multinational corporations that would benefit from the 
trade pact. "The Republicans' Contract With America promised fiscal 
responsibility. It would be ironic if they violated the pledge only 
weeks after the election by voting in favor of GATT implementing 
legislation filled with exactly the type of shenanigans they 
campaigned against," said Janice Shields, a researcher with the GATT 
Project.  For more information, call the GATT Project at (202) 387-
Clinton Administration Attempts to Silence Critics

Several radio and television stations are refusing to broadcast 
advertisements critical of GATT.  Conservative talk-show host Rush 
Limbaugh, a committed free-trader, would not run anti-GATT ads 
submitted to his television and radio shows by fellow conservatives 
Pat Buchanan and Phyllis Schlafly.  

In Washington, D.C., WRC TV Channel 4 was the only television 
station willing to broadcast several anti-GATT ads sponsored by the 
Citizens' Trade Campaign.  But the Office of the U.S. Trade 
Representative called the station to complain and WRC promptly 
pulled the ads, asking the CTC to back up its claims that the 
WASHINGTON POST would receive a huge kickback in the GATT 
implementing legislation.  When told that the evidence came directly 
from a WASHINGTON POST article, the station claimed to need 
further proof of that and other allegations.  Implore WRC not to cave 
in to White House pressure. Call (202) 885-4300.
Administration Caught in GATT Lie

Not only is the Clinton administration making outlandish predictions 
on the economic benefits of passing GATT, it is also misrepresenting 
the U.S. success percentage in GATT disputes.  On ABC's NIGHTLINE 
television program October 4, USTR Mickey Kantor claimed the 
United States "won 80 percent of the time in Geneva over the last 47 
years..."  In fact, the U.S. won 80 percent of the time only when the 
U.S. charged other countries with violating GATT laws.  When other 
countries charged the U.S. with violations, the U.S. won a 
comparatively minuscule 21 percent of the time. 
National Farmers Organization States Reasons to Oppose GATT

The Agricultural Alliance for GATT, an industry coalition of 265 
agribusiness and trade groups, has argued that GATT would benefit 
farmers.  However, the National Farmers Organization (NFO), which is 
made up of real-live farmers, is adamantly opposed to the trade pact.  
NFO President Steve Halloran recently gave these reasons to oppose 
the Uruguay Round:

* GATT supersedes U.S. law, taking political power away from the 
* Large trading companies will benefit, not farmers.
* Poor statistical historic evidence that serving new international 
markets actually raises commodity prices for the farmer.
* Vote should be postponed until the next congressional session 
because it is more representative of the voters' beliefs and wishes 
than the old Congress.
For more information, contact the NFO's Thayne Cozart at (515) 292-
2000, ext. 270.
House Schedules Just Four Hours on GATT

The House of Representatives has scheduled just four hours to debate 
the 22,000-page Uruguay Round agreement.  To put that in 
perspective, the House spent five hours in 1989 considering the 
merits of a large pay raise.  "The deep cynicism of voters is 
understandable when you see the House of Representatives devoting 
more time on the floor to its Members paychecks than a global trade 
pact that raises disturbing questions about constitutional treaty 
powers, the balance of power between our state and federal 
governments, the supremacy of commercial interests over 
consumers, the environment, workers and democratic processes," 
said consumer advocate Ralph Nader. For more information, contact 
the GATT Project's Andrew Wheat at (202) 387-8030.
GATT ALERT! is published weekly by the Fair Trade Campaign.

If you have news about local activities or anything else, please send 
a note to the Fair Trade Campaign, Box 80066, Minneapolis, MN 
55408.  For information on receiving GATT ALERT!, call (612) 379-

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