This note concerns the Moscow travel course(s) for 1995 to study Russia's
political and economic conditions or the language. (The principal one is 27
May-27 June.)

1) The invitation remains open to all interested adults and I can send
details upon request.

2) From 02 December until the end of January my direct e-mail ID will be:

3) For participants who are students and who wish academic credit, Eastern
Michigan University will offer four semester units. The additional cost for
tuition will be $200. This is low in 1995 because of budget savings which
will be exceptional next year. In the case of students at many private
American universities, this would often mean that the travel course and the
transferrable credits would cost about the same as the credits alone at their
home institution.

4) I have a few people who would like an intermediate Russian language
course. If there are enough others, I could try to organize one for 27 May-04
July, but I need to hear rather quickly.

5) The question of a shorter course, 29 April-23 May including events and
contacts surrounding the 50th anniversary of the end of WW2, remains open,
but, again, expression of interest are needed soon.

Thank you,

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