Marx, c3 International Publishers
 596: "Usury ... exerts ... an undermining and destructive influence on ancient
and feudal wealth and ancient and feudal property ....  [I]t undermines and
ruins small-peasant and small-burgher production."
 597: Usury has a revolutionary effect in all pre-capitalist modes of productio
only in so far as it destroys and dissolves those forms of property on whose
solid foundation and continual reproduction in the same form the political
organisation is based ....  Only where and when the other prerequisites of
capitalist production are present does usury become one of the means assisting
in establishment of the new mode of production by ruining the feudal lord and
small-scale producer, on the one hand, and centralising the conditions of labou
into capital, on the other.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

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