Feb. 28, 1994

John T. Harvey
Associate Professor of Economics
Texas Christian U.

     Does anyone know of a position still available where a heterodox
economist would be welcome?  One of our former students has gone through
two years of job markets and is still looking.  His specialities are
Urban and Regional, Philosophy of Economic Science, and Macro and
Monetary.  He has an excellent record in teaching and he researches in
both Urban and Regional and Philosophy of Science.  His work in the
latter is most exciting.  He will make an outstanding colleague.  He has
made it down to the last two or three candidates in several jobs.  At
the Olympics, at least they give you a medal for that!

     You can reach me at RN091EC@TCUAMUS.

     By the way, do others agree that it might be useful for us to
advertise positions and candidates (Marxist, institutionalist, Post
Keynesian, etc.) in an archive?



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