[The following is a draft statement of shared principles and 
purpose of the Committees of Correspondence, issued for public 
discussion on June 1, 1992.]

               WHERE WE STAND
 - A declaration of principles of the Committees of Correspondence 

Goals and Vision. 
We are motivated by the profound conviction that our country 
needs a humane alternative to the anti-human system of 
capitalism. For the majority of working people, and especially 
racially and nationally oppressed people, this system does not 
work. After the 1980s Decade of Greed, the top 1 percent of 
wealth-holders have more property than the bottom 90 percent. 
Capitalism is fundamentally militarist, elitist, racist, sexist, 
homophobic and destructive of the environment on which all life 
The tragic consequences are human and individual: ever more 
numerous homeless, the majority of them children; millions 
trapped in low-wage, dead-end jobs, and millions more unemployed, 
two-thirds of whom never receive unemployment insurance; one in 
seven Americans without health insurance. 
Instead of promoting community, capitalism pits people against 
each other, to the detriment of us all; it criminally abuses 
women and children in the name of "family values." Our national 
resources continue to be senselessly squandered on preparations 
for war. 
This looting of society and nature casts a shadow of pessimism 
across the land, shattering parents' dreams of a better future 
for their children. 
There is a spiritual crisis; a profound alienation of people from 
institutions unresponsive to their needs. 
This crisis can only be addressed by radical democratization, the 
realization of full equality, the empowerment of people to 
control all aspects of decision making affecting their daily 
lives, making institutions, public and private, advance their 
well-being. Only a massive and organized popular movement can 
turn our country onto a saner path. 
* We are for full employment; universal health care; quality, 
multicultural public education and child care. 
* We are for affirmative action and massive infusion of resources 
into cities and other areas as steps toward freedom of people 
from racial and national oppression. Without justice, there is no 
* We are for economic, political and social equality of women and 
for reproductive rights and freedom from sexual harassment. 
* We defend democratic principles embodies in the Bill of Rights, 
which are being dangerously eroded. 
* We advocate disarmament, the universal abolition of nuclear 
weapons and peacetime conversion. 
* We will work with people around the world to preserve, protect and
restore the environment. 
* We believe that in the long run there must be a fundamental
realignment of the political system, new electoral initiatives and
the creation of new vehicles to attain political empowerment. 
Our vision has an international dimension, seeking ties and
cooperation with popular movements and working-class organizations
in all countries. 
We view socialism as the struggle for democracy carried to its 
logical conclusion. Our vision is not a utopia, but a practical 
response and solution to the contradictions of capitalist 
society. We will continue to participate in the ongoing public 
discussion of how to redefine socialism in light of world 
experience and contemporary realities. We welcome all those who 
would like to participate with us in this exploration, while we 
struggle together to address the immediate problems of our 
We suggest the following characteristics for U.S. socialism: A 
society where the promise of democracy is fulfilled by the 
practice of self-government. A society of social justice, which 
guarantees employment, housing, education and health care as 
human rights. A society which preserves and builds upon all 
previous economic and scientific achievements, and which step-by-
step redistributes the vast wealth and power now held in a few 
* * * 
Theoretical framework. 
This socialist vision is informed and nourished by the Marxist 
view of history. People make their own history, based upon their 
needs, circumstances and understanding of the necessity to 
struggle to transform society. Organization and theory are tools 
for reshaping reality. 
We recognize and respect the right of members to think 
independently about all questions. This frees theory from being 
"officialized," made into a dogma, which tends to lead to its 
degeneration. Marxism, like any other science, requires freedom 
of thought and inquiry, the clash of opposing views. Its 
integrity is preserved by the standards of internal consistency, 
inclusiveness and testing through practice which govern all 
Marxism arose, historically, from revolutionary movements for 
democracy. It is still evolving. Marxists continue to have much 
to learn from people who approach the problems of society from 
other theoretical frameworks. As Marx said, only change is 
permanent. We appreciate the continuing distinct contributions of 
liberation theology, environmentalism, feminism, theories of non-
violent resistance and multiculturalism, whose proponents 
cultivate the common ground for struggle. People with such views 
are welcome in this organization on an equal basis. We impose no 
ideological litmus tests and do not make adherence to Marxism a 
pre-condition for participation. 
Therefore, we are both Marxist and pluralist. We believe 
different strands of socialist and democratic thought can coexist 
and enrich each other within the context of a shared political 
program and practice. 
* * * 
Who We Are. 
This organization is open to all people on the basis of its 
program. Our concern is to advance the true interests of the 
nation and its people. 
We are partisan to the working class of all races and 
nationalities, occupations and industries, who are the immense 
majority. We believe that the development of capitalism gives the 
working class and its organizations a unique role as an engine of 
Our partisanship requires relentless struggle for the equality of 
all racially and nationally oppressed peoples -- African 
Americans, Mexican American/Chicanos, Puerto Ricans, Caribbean 
Americans, Asian and Pacific Island peoples, Native American 
Indians, people of Middle Eastern origin. We recognize the 
enormous contribution of the African American freedom struggle as 
inseparable from and essential to all struggles for democracy and 
social progress. 
We are uncompromising partisans of the complete equality of women 
in society and at home. Women, through their numbers, 
organization and participation in every type of progressive 
movement, have become a critical force for change in society, in 
our organizations and in personal relations. 
We believe that progressive social change requires struggle. We 
are an organization of grassroots activism, committed to 
electoral and non-electoral forms of activity. 
We are internationalist, anti-racist, anti-sexist and multi-
We struggle against homophobia and for gay and lesbian rights. 
We seek the full participation of young people and are energized 
by the militancy and justifiable rage of a generation who are 
being robbed of their future. 
We are committed to an organization which is from its inception 
multiracial and multinational, and recognize that this requires 
ongoing attention and effort. 
We practice the democracy we preach. Our leadership is elected by 
and accountable to the membership. We arrive at major decisions 
through free discussion at all levels. Our practice is open, 
tolerant and mutually supportive. We strive for consensus 
whenever possible. 
We seek an atmosphere which fosters the study and development of 
theory and the acquisition of organizing skills. 
* * * 
Relations With Others. 
Socialists can only proceed towards their goals, both short and 
long term, together with others. We do not seek for ourselves any 
special or privileged status. We do not believe that any one 
group has a monopoly on wisdom. Diversity is a source of strength 
and insight. 
In our relations with others, we are governed by the principles 
of mutual respect and honest dialogue. We are willing to explore 
differences openly and to engage in critical and self-critical 
We look forward to cooperating with all democratic and 
progressive groups. 
We always seek the broadest unity to achieve immediate goals. 
Counterposing socialism to reform can only damage efforts at 
reform and doom socialism to marginalization. We do not seek to 
compete with, control or supplant the many movements for reform. 
We especially seek out dialogue, discussion and cooperation with 
other left and socialist organizations, and with socialist-minded 
people who are not affiliated. Together we can make socialism a 
significant factor in the political life of the country. 
Committees of Correspondance, 11 John St., Rm 506, NY, NY 10038

Northern California Office  522 Valencia, San Francisco 94110
     (415) 863-6637 

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