I'm not sure I understand Jim's references to Marx's
"silliness" in assuming that prices are proportional
to (labor) values, or to the "so-called labor theory
of value".  Shaikh has showed, by reference to both 
US and Italian input-output tables, that values and
prices are indeed very close to proportional, with
R^2's on the order of 96-98 per cent.  (In "Ricardo,
Marx, Sraffa", E. Mandel, ed., 1984).  Petrovic and
Ochoa (CJE, 1987 and 1989 respectively), confirmed
this result on Yugoslav and further US data.  Paul
Cockshott and I have recently replicated Shaikh's
study using the 1984 UK input-output tables: our
findings were essentially the same.  Ricardo and Marx
were right: the labor theory of value stands up to
empirical scrutiny as well as just about any theory
in economics, and better than most!

Allin Cottrell 
Department of Economics 
Wake Forest University
(910) 759-5762

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