We are currently putting together the programme for this year's
Conference of Socialist Economists annual conference.
University of Leeds, July 8th-10th 1994
Programme so far includes:
plenaries: on globalisation and on racism.
streams/workshops: capital, reproduction & domestic labour;
disability & capitalism; Marx & Keynes; anti-roads campaign; society
beyond work; managerialism; development; higher education; new
management strategies; value theory for beginners; Marxism and
utopia...and more.
Cost: 10/20/40/80 pounds for unwaged/low-waged/higher-waged/paid by
employer. Accomodation and childcare available. Disability
As you can see, an energetic and diverse mix!
All pen-l subscribers are invited to offer papers. These should go to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Later on, we'll send out a booking form
on the network which you can return by e- mail.
Hugo Radice
School of Business & Economic Studies
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
tel: 0532-334507 fax: 0532-332640