On Mon, 14 Mar 1994 07:41:02 -0800 Doug H. said: >I thought Keynes liked the idea of inflation subtly lowering real wages. >Is this a Marxist slander against him? No it isn't. In the GT, Keynes saw inflation exactly in this way. Tarshis and Dunlop criticized his assumption that real wages fall as the economy moves toward full employment (based on empirical evi- dence) and he agreed. But he never (as far as I know) developed a theory to replace the GT one. in pen-l solidarity, Jim Devine BITNET: jndf@lmuacad INTERNET: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Econ. Dept., Loyola Marymount Univ., Los Angeles, CA 90045-2699 USA 310/338-2948 (off); 310/202-6546 (hm); FAX: 310/338-1950
- Re: the aggregate demand curve MMEEROPO%WNEC . BITNET
- Re: the aggregate demand curve Victor Kasper Jr.
- Re: the aggregate demand curve Victor Kasper Jr.
- Re: the aggregate demand curve Doug Henwood
- Re: the aggregate demand curve Doug Henwood
- Re: the aggregate demand curve FICHTENBAUM
- Re: the aggregate demand curve FICHTENBAUM
- Re: the aggregate demand curve Jim Devine
- Re: the aggregate demand curve Jim Devine
- Re: the aggregate demand curve Jim Devine
- Re: the aggregate demand curve Jim Devine
- Re: the aggregate demand curve Alan G. Isaac
- Re: the aggregate demand curve Alan G. Isaac
- Re: the aggregate demand curve MMEEROPO%WNEC . BITNET
- Re: the aggregate demand curve MMEEROPO%WNEC . BITNET
- Re: the aggregate demand curve FICHTENBAUM
- Re: the aggregate demand curve FICHTENBAUM
- Re: the aggregate demand curve Jim Devine
- Re: the aggregate demand curve Jim Devine