There is one other complication in the question about inflation and real
wages:  Many of the people in the working class are NET DEBTORS.  This is
particularly true of the section that owns their own homes -- as well as those
who are struggling to get out of the working class with heavy student loans or
trying to start a small business with lots of borrowing.  NET DEBTORS are
helped a great deal by inflation --- here is the class basis, IMHO, of the
actions of the monetary authorities that Rudy is identifying:

>I believe that monetary authorities, representing capitalist class

>interests, conciously promote a certain level of inflation to

>cut or keep real wages in check.  However, they don't want inflation

>to get too high because it would undermine the role of the $

>as international money which would destablize the world economy.




The latter was certainly a major reason for the activities of Paul Volcker in
1979-82 --- but the general anti-inflation bias sees inflation as dangerous to
financial profitability.


Mike Meeropol

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