Does anyone know about conditions at GM's Saturn plant?

I had a most disturbing conversation today with a business type who went
off like a rocket (no pun intended) when I mentioned Saturn.  He believes
they have serious problems with quality/rework and accidents in the plant,
mainly due to stress associated with harsh supervision and a UAW local
that refuses to back up workers on much of anything.  

To add to this, at a conference here last week, a Saturn union rep claimed
they had 100 grievances last year with 90 of these for unfair dismissal.
While the union has a 'duty' to represent the workers, they 'hate to go
against the teams.'  In the context of the presentation, this sounded
democratic, but in light of today's conversation, it seems quite ominous.

Any information, positive or negative, would be greatly appreciated.
Please send e-mail to the address below.

Bob Drago

PS. Many thanks to those who responded to my query about NUMMI (the other
unionized and 'transformed' workplace).  The answer to the question of
whether NUMMI has gains-sharing is that a system was introduced recently,
over the objections of the UAW local.  An article by a worker in the plant
also claimed that Toyota threatened to pull out last year if they did not
receive further concessions from workers, which were promptly provided.
I cannot vouch for the validity of these claims, but will gladly forward
the messages to anyone who is interested.
    Bob Drago, Econ. Dept.        [EMAIL PROTECTED]          
    UW-Milwaukee                  (414)229-6494 (voice)
    Milwaukee WI 53201-0413       (414)229-3860 (FAX)

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