At 7:59 AM 1/15/95, Matt Zeidenberg wrote:


It would be real nice if someone besides me and members of the New Party
wrote articles about the New Party.

Erwin Knoll asked me several times to expand the pieces I did in LBO on the
NP for the Progressive. He was profoundly suspicious of their claims, and
told me tales of great success and visibility in Milwaukee and Madison
were, and I quote exactly, "bullshit." It's interesting that the first
issue of the magazine that appeared after his death contained an article by
a NP organizer on how groovy the party is.

The Nation helped create this thing by running their manifesto - it was by
Sandy Pope and Joel Rogers, right? - that promised a major rethink of
institutions like family, firm, and nation (the US, not the Paul
Newman-owned magazine).

Mike Tomasky of the Vill Voice told me that he's never come across a
political group that was so paranoid about its press coverage. They refused
to let me publish their (boringly bland) response to my critique because I
told them I would write a rejoinder; they didn't want to engage in a
"pissing match," according to Cantor.

Are these guys for real?

Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
New York NY 10024-3217
212-874-4020 voice
212-874-3137 fax

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