One point about exports that has not been discussed much is the idea that 
the proceeds from exports do not necessarily end up at the point of origin 
or even the country of origin. If a transnational corporation uses a 
developing country as an export platform, that benefits the firm but not the 
people of the country as the export growth model would assume. The same is 
true of exports from the U.S. We did an analysis of export industries in 
Illinois to see if growth in exports to Mexico actually enhanced employment. 
It did not. There are a lot of reasons for that (which the study did not 
address) but among them is the fact that the major firms that dominate each 
industry had global options about where to put export revenues. We are now 
doing a few case studies of firms to try to amplify the firm analysis.

                                              Dave Ranney
                                              University of Illinois at 
                                                Chicago Center for Urban
                                                Economic Development    

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