As one of the women academic signers of the letter on welfare,
I don't think it's purpose was to segregate women (least of all
women economists).  It was a statement by academic women (better
yet, Doug, you might ask the class question of why academic
women) who have either studied welfare or are in some related
field.  When Fran Piven approached me to sign on (yes, Virginia
I will sign on to almost anything progressive as far too many
people are still living under the fear of McCarthyism and those
of us in privileged positions have an obligation to sign as
many petitions, letters, protests, etc, as we can possibly hack)
any, when Fran approached me and asked me to sign and find some
more signatures I figured rather than debate the fine point of
why women (why not?) that I would seek out labor educators and
academic women who have strong links to the labor movement to
try within the narrow confines of why Linda Gordon and Fran
were looking for, help to broaden the representation by adding
labor names.

The big question is where is labor on this.  In fact, where is
labor on Newt.  It seems to me that we should be leading the
charge.  In contrast to the stunning silence this side of the
border, I've been talking with unions in Canada about their
fight back preparations, education and campaign around the
yet to be released federal budget in February 1995.

Of course, maybe brother Case is better informed than I am and
knows of the great discussions and education that is taking
place inside of the labor movement.  My view isn't that US
labor is too much of a "talk shop" it's rather that on key
issues in society and politics that it is a non-participant.
That politics at the level of national issues like welfare
reform, or the attack on social programs, aren't countered.
Rather we're hung up with the all encompassing issue of
potentially amendments to 8 (a) 2 in the Wagner Act.
You can appreciate why the 84% of workers who are not
organized fail to appreciate the leadership of organized
labor at this point in history.

Elaine Bernard

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