I agree with Jim that a full-blown homo economicus is nuts, because I 
think that 
"our" practices, properly articulated, would support this judgement.

Speaking of rationality, did people catch the WSJ article on Robert 
Citron, Orange County's erstwhile Treasurer? Apparently he was 
loony-tunes and had been for some time. When his huge bet that interest 
rates would fall became questionable as rates rose last Fall, he 
explained to the oversight board why this would be reversed:

"We do not have the large inflationary wage increases, runaway building 
both in homes, commercial and those tall glass-office buildings. Few, if 
any, tall office buildings are being built.."

The reporter asked the source whether this sort of pretzel logic didn't 
worry the Board---no, because he'd always "reasoned" this way, and they'd 
been raking it in earlier!

Well I think we need more evidence on this: e.g., in DC, where there are 
height restrictions on buildings, are interest rates lower?


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