At 1:33 PM 1/22/95, Michael Perelman wrote:
>If consistency is the hobgoblin .... , then we must acknowledge the greatness
>of A. Greenspan.  One day, he must raise interest rates to fight inflation.
>The next day, he tells the Congress that the BLS is overstating inflation.

As one of at least two aspiring central bankers on the list (hi Bob
Pollin!), let me unravel the consistency here. Radically revising the CPI
would be a fiscal tightening for one - a reduction of tax indexation is a
tax increase and a real cut in social security benefits is a spending cut.
A not insubstantial 1/2% of GDP or so I think. As for inflation, they care
more about the direction than the level. Inflation seems poised to rise,
and they don't want it to. The level it rises from is of less importance.

The revision of the CPI is looking smelly. CPI czar Pat Jackman first told
the press that the enviro-mandated reformulation of gasoline would not be
treated as a quality improvement, but would be a price increase. As the
release date approached, they changed their mind; Jackman said it was
decided from higher up to change the calculation, and treat the gas
reformulation as a quality increase. (Higher up can only mean Reich or
Clinton; Rubin may have a voice too.) This knocked some 0.2 points off the
last CPI release, greatly calming the bond market. This may seem dweebishly
trivial, but some interference with the BLS's independence is going on.

The BLS has already reweighted its measures of health care & housing
inflation in ways that will shave a couple of hairs off the monthly rate.
This too looks a little strange.

Gingrich last week wrote a letter to the BLS saying that if it didn't
redefine the CPI his way within 30 days, he'd defund the Bureau. This is an
even more appalling intrusion on the BLS, worse than anything that ever
happened during the Reagan years.

Doug Henwood
Left Business Observer
250 W 85 St
New York NY 10024-3217
212-874-4020 voice
212-874-3137 fax

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