Treacy: Remember the wag who said that if God were not around we would 
have to invent him.  He is a very efficient monitoring agent. He knows 
when you have been good or bad and will reward you---incentives are 
important---according to your just deserts. 

On Thu, 26 Jan 1995, Ross B. Emmett wrote:

> Judging by the tone of recent postings here and comments made to 
> me at the ASSA meetings in Washington, one thing that economists 
> of the right and left share is a hatred of insitutional religion 
> (I exclude the prophetic voice, as was indicated in another 
> posting).  For mainstream economists, religion is an irrational 
> institution that will die away as rationality comes to rule; for 
> radical economists, religion is an instrument of oppression 
> wielded by the powerful.
> For mainstream economists, I pose the following question: how to 
> explain the ongoing vitality of religion after 300 years of 
> modernity?
> For radicals, the question is: how do you explain the fact that 
> many grassroot organizations working for change around the 
> world are based in religious communities?  Far from being an 
> opiate, religion is often the catalyst of change.
> Ross
> Ross B. Emmett, Augustana Univesity College, Camrose, Alberta
> CANADA   T4V 2R3   voice: (403) 679-1517   fax: (403) 679-1129

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