Buried in a dramatic front-page _NYT_ article today (Tuesday) on the continuation page (c6) is the following: ... Despite speculation against the peso, which pushed it to a low against the dollar today, the Mexican Government did not use any of the $18 billion in swap lines available from the United States and other nations, as well as commercial banks. That fueled rumors here and in New York that the Mexican Government tried to manipulate today's market instability... Since "instability" was stressed by both Clinton, Rubin, Summers et al. today, and no mention of the above is being made anywhere (save the above), the rumor seems feasible, with "cooperation" by opinion makers, etc.. For instance, the _NYT_ plays up the crisis atmosphere in three articles in today's paper (and in the editorial/op-ed commentary of recent days). What do others think? Dan Epstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]