As part of work our Center is doing with groups fighting Prop 187 &
immigration-bashing, Prop 184 & "getting tough on crime," and the impending
anti-affirmative action initiaive in California, we're putting together an
Internet gopher/web site called "Race and the California Economy."  If
you've written articles, op-eds, fact sheets, jokes, or anything else
(cartoons?) that's in electronic form that relates to any of these topics,
please send me a copy at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and I'll put it up.  We're also going to include
information about related topics, including the budget crisis in California
and global issues that affect California (e.g., the fiasco in Mexico), so
information on these topics would also be appreciated.

Anders Schneiderman
Center for Community Economic Research
UC Berkeley

P.S.  When the site is up, I'll post an announcement about it.

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