> de Solidaridad con Chiapas y Mexico.
> ======================================
> /* Written  2:57 AM  Feb 10, 1995 by laneta:gilberto in igc:reg.mexico */
> /* ---------- "****urgent action Mexico****" ---------- */
> Dear friends
> This is an urgent call for action in solidarity with Mexico and Chiapas.
> Thursday, the Mexican president, Ernesto Zedillo announced that several
> members of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) had been
> arrested. He also said that he will call for an extraordinary period of
> sessions of the Mexican Congress (which is under the control of the
> ruling PRI). In a press conference at 8 pm, a spokesman for the Federal
> Prosecutor's Office (PGR) explained how the Zapatistas were cought,
> and claimed to have discovered the real identity of Subcommandor
> Marcos. 
> With this move, the government shows that it doesn't want to handle
> this affaire as a political case of people's rebelion as it had until now.
> This is in fact a declaration of war against the Zapatistas and, thus,
> against the indians in Chiapas.
> We urge you to mobilize in front of Mexican embassies, consulates
> trade offices, cultural centres and other similar places to demand
> that the Mexican army takes no offensive action against the EZLN.
> Demonstrators should also insist that the human rights of the prisoners
> be respected, because the Mexican police has a long history of torture
> and violations to basic rights.
> Please do act immediatel
> ======================================
> Harry Cleaver
> Department of Economics
> University of Texas at Austin
> Austin, Texas 78712-1173
> Phone Numbers: (hm)  (512) 442-5036
>                (off) (512) 471-3211 
> Fax: (512) 471-3510
> ======================================

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