Forwarded message:
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 14:35:49 -0600 (CST)
From: "Carlos Salas, Facultad de Economia, UNAM" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Accion urgente (fwd)
content-length: 2451

Dear Sid:
 I=92m sending you a translation of the letter that appeared today in La Jo=
We think it can be used as a model of similar ones to be sent to Zedillo.
Feel free to make any changes that it might need, and then send it to=20
pen-l, you can use my name and say it was forwarded to you.

Mr. Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon:
President of the Mexican United States.

Once again the supreme government  lies to the people of Mexico, in a way t=
remembers us the proclaimed strength of the mexican economy. But this=20
time the consequences of the lies would be harsh, and we do not want the=20
people of Mexico to go through them.
You offered a negotiated solution to the Chiapas conflict and now you annou=
nce that=20
you have opted for a solution based in the use of force.
The history of authoritarian regimes shows that they have always used=20
frames set up by themselves as pretext to begin hostilties against their=20
enemies, which frecuently have been their fellow countrymen.
The signers of this letter insist that you keep your saying, and stop all
 military and police activities in Chiapas and start an honest and open=20
dialogue with the EZLN.
We persist in our conviction that the only solution to this conflict lies i=
a political  negotiation  and  a real compromise to solve the economic,=20
political and social problem that lie beneath this confrontation.
You and only you will be accountable for any agression against our indigeno=
brothers, as well as members of religious, social and political organizatio=
that oppose the use of force to solve a five hundred year old problem.
We hope that you are still sensible enough to stop a bloodshed in Mexico.
Also, it could help  if letters could be sent to the mexican embassies and=
consulates, asking them to inform about the fate of any prisioners taken=20
by the army and the police. Already there are at least forty people=20
Letter should be sent to the media. The latter type of letters should ask=
to stop violence against Mexican indigenous people and warn against the=20
violation of Human Rights in Mexico. Last night, a group of policemen=20
assaulted the offices of CONPAZ (Nationa Comission for Peace) and robbed=20
lost of documents. This NGO has been very active in the defense of HUman=20
Rights in Chiapas, their offices are located in San Cristobal, Chiapas.

I'll keep in touch.

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