> Subject:    AI: Mexico bulletin
> From:       Ray Mitchel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:       Mon, 13 Feb 1995 18:45:11 GMT
> Newsgroups: misc.activism.progressive
> +------------------------------------------------------+
> +     Electronic distribution authorised               +
> +     This bulletin expires: 27 March 1995.            +
> +------------------------------------------------------+
> EXTERNAL (for general distribution)  AI Index: AMR 41/02/95
>                                      Distr: UA/SC
> UA 31/95     Torture / Fear for safety     13 February 1995
> MEXICO           Maria Gloria GUEVARA NIEBLA (f)
>                  Jorge SANTIAGO SANTIAGO
>                  Ricardo HERNANDEZ LOPEZ
>                  Hilario MARTINEZ HERNANDEZ
>                  Martin TRUJILLO BARAJAS
>                  Luis SANCHEZ NAVARRETE
>                  Alvaro CASTILLO GRANADOS
>                  Hermelinda GARCIA ZAPAHUA (f)
>                  Rosa HERNANDEZ HERNANDEZ (f)
> Fears for the safety of several people detained by the Mexican
> Federal Judicial Police in the past few days have been
> heightened by allegations that one of them has been tortured
> in custody.
> On 12 February it was reported that Maria Gloria Guevara
> Niebla, detained in Mexico City on 8 February, had been
> tortured between 8 and 9 February, and forced to sign a
> confession.  Amnesty International has learned that she was
> also threatened with the torture of her two-year-old son.
> Jorge Santiago Santiago was detained in Teopisca, Chiapas, on
> 10 February.  The others named above were detained in the town
> of Yanga, state of Veracruz on 8 February.  The detainees are
> reported to be members of the Zapatista National Liberation
> Army (EZLN) and were allegedly detained in connection with
> weapons found in Mexico City and Yanga.  In an interview
> published in the Mexican daily La Jornada on 10 February,
> Jorge Santiago Santiago, director of Desarrollo Economico y
> Social de los Mexicanos Indigenas, a non-governmental
> organization in Chiapas, denied any involvement with the EZLN.
> In a press statement on 9 February, President Ernesto Zedillo
> called for the arrest of several EZLN leaders, including
> sub-commander Marcos, whom he named as Rafael Sebastian
> Guillen Vicente.  The President also named four other alleged
> leaders of the EZLN and arrest warrants were issued against
> all five.  It is reported that warrants have now also been
> issued against 13 indigenous people alleged to be EZLN
> members.
> The offices of CONPAZ (Coordinacion de Organismos no
> Gubernamentales por la Paz), the Coordination of
> Non-governmental Organizations Working for Peace, in San
> Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, were raided by members of the
> Mexican Federal Judicial Police (PFJ) on 10 February at
> 1.15am.  Members of CONPAZ are reported to have been followed
> by the police when they left their offices shortly before the
> raid.
> Amnesty International fears that these developments may result
> in further human rights violations.  In the armed clashes
> which began on 1 January 1994, at least 145 people are
> reported to have died before a cease-fire was called in
> mid-January 1994.  Amnesty International has documented
> widespread human rights violations in the context of this
> conflict, including the summary execution of prisoners,
> extensive use of torture, and "disappearances" perpetrated by
> members of the Mexican Army.  To date no member of the
> security forces has been brought to justice for these
> violations.
> +-----------------------------------------------------------+
> + Supporters of Amnesty International around the world are  +
> + writing urgent appeals in response to the concerns        +
> + described above. If you would like to join with them in   +
> + this action or have any queries about the Urgent Action   +
> + network or Amnesty International in general, please       +
> + contact one of the following:                             +
> +                                                           +
> +      Ray Mitchell, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (UK)            +
> +      Scott Harrison, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (USA)          +
> +      Guido Gabriel, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Germany)  +
> +      Marilyn McKim, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Canada)             +
> +-----------------------------------------------------------+

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