> Subject: (Eng) Deaths, Arrests and Court
> /* Written 10:48 PM  Feb 16, 1995 by moonlight in igc:reg.mexico */
> /* ---------- "(Eng) Deaths, Arrests and Court" ---------- */
> 0[B  
> La Jornada, Feb. 15, pg. 13
> *Suspicions that the Mexican Army had casualties*
> *Some 20 bodies were taken to Comitan and Tuxtla*
> Oscar Camacho Guzman, reporter, Comitan, Chiapas, Feb. 14
> Some twenty bodies were brought last Sunday to the military
> base in Comitan, apparently from the conflict zone, and
> taken immediately to Tuxtla Gutierrez, according to a woman
> who said she was the wife of an official in the Mexican
> Army.
>      Upon the condition of remaining anonymous, the woman
> talked with three reporters to whom she confided that on
> Sunday she went to the military air base in Copalar, in
> order to ask about her husband. She was not given any
> information about the place and mission to which he had been
> sent.
>      She said that while she was waiting, she noticed that
> "some twenty" bodies were being taken from various
> helicopters.  The bodies were covered with white sheets
> stained with blood.
>      The informant said that paramedics inspected the bodies
> before they were sent to the state capital, Tuxtla
> Gutierrez.
>      In response to questioning, the woman responded that
> she could not tell if the bodies were Zapatistas, military
> personnel or civilians.
>      However, she showed her concern for the fact that she
> had been denied all information about the whereabouts of her
> husband.  It made her think that it could have been soldiers
> or officers, since never before had she been denied
> information about the whereabouts of her husband.La Jornada, Feb. 15 pg. 19
> *The case's competence is expected to be accepted*
> *The Toluca judges receive the cases of the supposed
> Zapatistas*
> Gloria Perez Mendoza, correspondent, Toluca, Mexico, Feb. 14
> The second and third criminal district courts located in
> this city received today cases #595 and 1895, which are the
> supposed militants of the Zapatista National Liberation Army
> (EZLN), Jorge Javier Elorreaga Berdegue, Jorge Santiago
> Santiago, and Sebastian Etzin Gomez.
>      The third district judge, Diogenes Cruz Figueroa,
> reported that with respect to the case #1895 which is
> against Etzin Gomez, alleged link betwen subcommandante
> Marcos as well as Santiago Santiago and Jorge Elorreaga,
> alias Vicente, probable leaders of the EZLN accused of
> sedition, mutiny, rebellion, terrorism, and conspiracy, he
> has six days to decide whether he will take the case or not.
> He stated this after having visited with the Federal Public
> Minister.
>      Similarly, in the second district court, it was
> reported that with regards to case #595, developed by the
> second district court in Tuxtla Gutierrez, Chiapas, against
> the indigenous tzeltal Etzin Gomez for the crime of carrying
> a firearm made exclusively for the use of the army, air
> force and navy, the judge will decide within six days of
> having seen the federal MP whether he will take the case.
>      He stated taht it is probable that both judges will
> accept the cases, due to the fact that the judge of the
> first district located in Tuxtla Gutierrez declined to take
> the case. Likewise the second district court in Toluca also
> declined, after the prisoners were transported from the
> Federal Center of Social Readaptation in almoloya de Juarez,
> located in this city.La Jornada,  Feb. 1 pg. 45
> *A Conventioneer arrested: OCISZ*
> *The Army making incursions into the hills of Zongolica;
> searches in Xalapa*
> Manuel Enriquez, correspondent, Xalapa, Ver., Feb. 14
> Leaders of the Independent Peasant Organization of the Hills
> of Zongolica stated that since last Sunday the Mexican Army
> has made incursions in this hilly area of the state, and
> that their representative to the National Democratic
> Convention, (CND) Alejandro Salas Romero, disappeared last
> Thursday, when 15 armed people with artillery weapons
> intercepted him in the mountains.
> In another area, in the home in Yanga, where the alleged
> Zapatista arsenal was found, the Federal Judicial Police has
> increased its viligence, and according to neighbors, today
> used equipment was removed, including a trascavo.  The local
> reporters were forbidden to take pictures.
> Gregorio Tzitizhua Quechulpa and Berto Xoxua Mendez, leaders
> of OCISZ, affirmed that hundreds of soldiers have entered
> the hills of Zongolica, and ask for the leaders in each
> community.
> The State Democratic Convention (CED) and the Association
> for the Defense of Human Rights in Veracruz accused the
> government of initiating a harrassment campaign against some
> social activists, like Artemio Rios, an "active" member of
> the CED.
> Meanwhile, in Xalapa, the Federal Judicial Police continues
> the searches of private homes.  Yesterday it ordered a
> search of the meat processing company La Fuente and the
> Superfiesta general store. In the first business, they
> forced the locks of the steel fence, with the argument that
> they were looking for more Zapatista "arsenals", although
> they did not find any.
> Later they went to other places to continue the searches. 
> Some local newspapers reported that the PJE had installed
> checkpoints in diverse points of the state.
> (translated by Cindy Arnold, volunteer, National Commission for Democracy in MeMexico
> )

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