1 - 2 years ago  there was published on the net an opinion poll done by
a U.S. group of students (I seem to remember) which showed that the
average U.S.  citizen had wildly skewed beliefs on the relative size of
U.S. gvt.  spending on social security vs "defense": They thought that
the former was very large in the relation to the latter, and were miles
off the the mark.  A very illustrative example of how people are

Does someone have postings concerning this poll archived? I would be
very indebted if they can e-mail this directly to me! Thanks!


| Trond Andresen  ([EMAIL PROTECTED])  |
| lecturer                                      |
| Department of Engineering Cybernetics         |
| The Norwegian Institute of Technology         |
| N-7034 Trondheim, NORWAY                      |
|                                               |
| phone (work)  +47 73 59 43 58                 |
| fax   (work)  +47 73 59 43 99                 |
| private phone +47 73 53 08 23                 |
|                                               |
| http://www.itk.unit.no/ansatte/Andresen,Trond |

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