Does anybody have any dope on the background of Phil Gramm, 
apparently ex- Texas A&M?
My understnading is that Texas A&M was created out of the desert 
wastes, sometime maybe in the late 1960s.  
Academics were drawn to it by the offer of large salaries, on a scale 
unheard of then and out of kilter with the individual's status.
The feeling seemed to be, even among the mainstream economists, that 
Texas A&M was beneath the pale, that it was a disciplinary scandal, 
and that the individuals who went after the filthy lucre could not 
expect to get a 'decent' job after that.
So (for everybody who was around at the time) is this too crude, and 
where does Gramm fit in?
The point is, how did this nut case get so far up the greasy pole???
Evan Jones

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