I have been approached by an extremely able student of political 
economy, who would like to do a PhD. Even though he has no formal 
links with higher education institutions, he has published several 
papers in his field, and is highly regarded by his fellows. I have no 
doubt that he has a brilliant future as a researcher.

He needs the PhD to have an academic carreer, but he cannot move 
abroad for an extended period of time (he must be based in 
Latin America, because of family commitments), and has no 
rich sponsor ready to pay several thousand dollars/pounds/whatever 
to fund his studies.

The best course of action seems to be a distance learning programme. 
However, I have been unable to locate one that would accept him, and 
be acceptable to him.

I would be grateful for any suggestions. Please send them to my 
personal email address (below).


Alfredo Saad Filho
School of Business and Economic Studies
University of Leeds
Leeds LS2 9JT, England

+44-113-233-4472 (tel W)
+44-113-233-4465 (fax W)
+44-113-266-2801 (tel/fax H)


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