Treacy: Economic growth may have been low but look at the boat that was 
        built.  It is going to bring home the America's Cup.  The peasents
        will be happy with this. 
On Fri, 12 May 1995, Robert Peter Burns wrote:

> Ellen Dannin and others who haven't seen it
> should take a look at the transcript of 
> the CBC program "Ideas" on New Zealand which
> is available in the pen-l archives.  It's very
> long, so one should probably download it, and
> print it out.  In NZ they have tried being
> even more Thatcherite than Thatcher, with 
> disastrous results as the CBC program makes
> clear.  NZ is the only country in the developed
> world in which income inequality has grown faster than
> in Britain.  In Britain, the Rowntree Foundation has
> just put out a report on wealth and income trends in
> Britain during the Thatcher years.  I'll post
> the address where you can get this separately.
> A few weeks ago a writer for the LA Times did a 
> cheerleading piece on New Zealand--something like
> "NZ Profits from Tough Reforms".  I sent him a
> copy of the CBC transcript.  No reply yet.
> One bit that didn't make it into his piece was that
> AGGREGATE economic growth in NZ from 1984, when the
> free market crew took over, to 1992 was NEGATIVE 1
> percent, compared to an OECD average of positive 
> 20 percent.
> Cheers,
> Peter Burns SJ

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