
In his eulogy for Louis Althusser (reprinted in _The Althusserian Legacy_,
ed. E. Ann Kaplan and Michael Sprinker. London: Verso, 1993) Jacques
Derrida quotes from Althusser's _Bertolazzi et Brecht_ (1962).  The quote ends
with the following sentence: "We share the same story -- and that is where
everything begins."  Can someone tell me where this essay is printed and
where it can be found?  Even better, can some one give the the original
French version of the quote?  Thanks.

Marsh Feldman                               Phone: 401/792-5953
Community Planning, 204 Rodman Hall           FAX: 401/792-4395
The University of Rhode Island           Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kingston, RI 02881-0815

"Marginality confers legitimacy on one's contrariness."

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