Hate the Congress's welfare "reform" package (a.k.a. the Personal
Responsibility Act)?  Well, now there's something you can do about it.

The Media Campaign for Fairness on Welfare is trying to run a signature (I
think)  ad in the Sunday New York Times early in June urging Clinton to
veto the Personal Responsibility Act.  Your support, financial, moral and
otherwise, is needed. 

Send contributions of any amount to
        Media Campaign for Fairness on Welfare
        c/o Frances Fox Piven
        P.O. Box N
        Millerton, NY 12546. 

Any questions, call Kim Christensen, 914-632-7264. (You can't e-mail her
because the computers blew up at her college.)

Some of you may recall last year only women were asked to sign onto an ad--
now the doors are wide open to everyone.  Given the gender wage gap--it should
substantiallly increase the money collected too.  So dig in and sign up!

thanks in advance and please pass this message on to anyone or any list you
think might appreciate it --

Randy Albelda

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